Yearly Archives: 2014

2nd AcroporaNet Symposium (Amsterdam, December 1st, 2017)

On behalf of the University of Amsterdam and Carmabi, we would like to invite you to The second annual AcroporaNet Symposium on December 1st (2017) in the Turingzaal at the Amsterdam Sciencepark Congress Centre (Sciencepark 123, Amsterdam). The event will last all day and be followed by an informal gathering afterwards. Scientists, policy makers and other interested parties conducting basic and applied research in fields related to tropical marine biology are welcome. Please pass this information on to anyone who may [...]

New lab opened and open for research

New lab opened and open for research The building of the new Carmabi lab is largely completed and can now be used as accommodation and research facility by visiting scientists and students. The construction of the lab started in June 2011 and after the completion of construction around January 2013, has already accommodated approximately 100 visiting researchers and students. Starting June 2013 the facilities are open to everyone interested in staying at Carmabi for research or courses. The new building consists [...]

Online kaart helpt met de bestrijding van lionfish

Sinds 2009 wordt de invasieve lionfish langs de kust van Curacao waargenomen. Hoewel deze vis een prachtige verschijning is, hebben meerdere wetenschappelijke studies uitgewezen dat deze soort de lokale visstand van voornamelijk juveniele vissen ernstig doet teruglopen. Vissoorten die belangrijk zijn voor de lokale visserij (e.g., purunchi) of voor het behoud van koraalriffen (e.g., papegaaivissen) nemen daarom op den duur in aantal af. Op eilanden waar de lionfish eerder arriveerde dan op Curacao, zijn deze gevolgen duidelijk zichtbaar en [...]

Secore workshop on coral rearing 2014

The SECORE Foundation is an international non-profit organization to promote coral reef conservation through research, education, outreach, and restoration. As part of its training and outreach program, SECORE plans to organize three field workshops in 2014. The goal of the workshop program is to train local stakeholders and a limited number of public aquarium affiliates in coral breeding and restoration techniques, and related disciplines during a 10-day hands-on training workshop. For more information on SECORE’s workshop program, please visit our [...]