Secore workshop on coral rearing 2014
The SECORE Foundation is an international non-profit organization to promote coral reef conservation through research, education, outreach, and restoration. As part of its training and outreach program, SECORE plans to organize three field workshops in 2014.
The goal of the workshop program is to train local stakeholders and a limited number of public aquarium affiliates in coral breeding and restoration techniques, and related disciplines during a 10-day hands-on training workshop. For more information on SECORE’s workshop program, please visit our latest weblog posts at or
The workshop fee for public aquarium affiliates is $1,750 USD covering all costs during the workshop such as accommodation, food, diving, etc. The fee does not cover your airfare.
The dates for Curacao are: Aug 9 – 19, 2014:
In collaboration with the CARMABI Foundation and the Curacao Sea Aquarium, SECORE has established a coral breeding center in Curacao in 2010. The aim of the center is to develop restoration techniques for endangered Caribbean corals such as the ESA and IUCN listed Elkhorn coral Acropora palmata, and to initiate restoration efforts on the island and elsewhere using the developed techniques. The workshop will be hosted by CARMABI and the Curacao Sea Aquarium during the annual mass spawning event of the Elkhorn coral (Acropora).
Contact: Mike Brittsan
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