Research Station Carmabi
Scientific publications
- Borgstein NM, Burgués Palau L, Parodi BA, Laetz EM. Unraveling the Phidiana paradox: Phidiana lynceus can retain algal symbionts but its nocturnal tendencies prevent benefits from photosynthesis. Symbiosis. 2024 Jan 19:1-1. Click here for pdf.
- Briceño-Linares JM, Aranguren J, Clarenda J, Díaz A, Doest O, Haines J, Houtepen E, Martin RO, Millán PA, Nunes G, Schmaltz L. Research, management, and conservation of the yellowshouldered Amazon (Amazona barbadensis) across its range in the southern Caribbean and mainland Venezuela: 1980s to the present. Frontiers in Conservation Science.;5:1444609. Click here for pdf.
- Burgués Palau L, Senna G, Laetz EM. Crawl away from the light! Assessing behavioral and physiological photoprotective mechanisms in tropical solar-powered sea slugs exposed to natural light intensities. Marine Biology. 2024 Jan;171(2):50. Click here for pdf.
- Campana S, Arts MG, Diez-Vives C, Mueller B, Bang C, Riesgo A, Haas AF, Muyzer G, de Goeij JM. Sponges on shifting reefs: Holobionts show similar molecular and physiological responses to coral versus macroalgal food. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2024;11:1298922. Click here for pdf.
- Clugston JA, Coolen Q, Houtepen E, Proosdij AS, Grinage AD, Griffith MP. Genomic patterns of native palms from the Leeward Antilles confirm single-island endemism and guide conservation priorities. Conservation Genetics. 2024 Apr 19:1-3. Click here for pdf.
- Defourneaux É, Herranz M, Armenteros M,. et al. Circumtropical distribution and cryptic species of the meiofaunal enteropneust Meioglossus (Harrimaniidae, Hemichordata). Scientific Reports. 2024. 14, 9296. Click here for pdf.
- de Wit CD, Johnson PT. Black Spot Syndrome in ocean surgeonfish: using video-based surveillance to quantify disease severity and test environmental drivers. Marine Biology. 2024 May;171(5):1-4. Click here for pdf.
- Fahim H, Naaykens T, D’Aloia CC. Habitat quality effects on the abundance of a coral‐dwelling fish across spatial scales. Ecology and Evolution. 2024 Sep;14(9):e70322. Click here for pdf.
- Fransen CH. The marine palaemonid shrimps (Crustacea, Deapoda, Caridea) of the Dutch Caribbean. Zootaxa. 2023 Dec 15;5387(1):1-27. Click here for pdf.
- Gutierrez L, Polidoro B, Obura D, Cabada-Blanco F, Linardich C, Pettersson E, Pearce-Kelly P, Kemppinen K, Alvarado JJ, Alvarez-Filip L, Banaszak A. Half of Atlantic reef-building corals at elevated risk of extinction due to climate change and other threats. PloS one. 2024 Nov 15;19(11):e0309354. Click here for pdf.
- Harper DA, La Turner MA, Donovan SK, Portell RW. 2024. Asymmetry in the cidellina (brachiopoda) from the pliocene-pleistocene of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles: phenotypic not genotypic. Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia.;130(3). Click here for pdf.
- Helleman P, Schrama M, Trimbos KB, Braks MA, Schaffner F, Stroo A, Wouters RM, van der Beek JG. The ecological niche and population history shape mosquito population genetics: a case study from Caribbean islands. Click here for pdf.
- Hernández-Agreda A, Huckeba J, Prata KE, Vermeij MJ, Bongaerts P. Hybridization and inbreeding affect the survival of a critically endangered coral. Current Biology. 2024 Nov 4;34(21):5120-9. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, van der Schoot RJ, Samimi-Namin K. Finding a Pied-à-Terre: Harbour infrastructure facilitates the settlement of non-native corals (Tubastraea spp.) in the Southern Caribbean. Diversity. 2024, 16, 697. Click here for pdf.
- Holmes RB, Hamilton NM, Simpson SD, Herbert-Read JE. Lionfish (Pterois volitans) do not show directional preferences for ambient underwater soundscapes during diurnal hours. Marine Biology. 2025 Jan;172(1):1-2. Click here for pdf.
- Johnson PT, Malawauw RJ, Piaskowy J, Calhoun DM, Kohl Z, ter Horst LJ, Zelmer DA. Emergence of black spot syndrome in Caribbean reefs: a century of fish collections reveal long-term increases in Scaphanocephalus infection. Proceedings B. 2024 Nov 13;291(2034):20242065. Click here for pdf.
- Korzhavina OA, Nikitin MA, Hoeksema BW, Armenteros M, Reimer JD, Ivanenko VN. Tracing geographic and molecular footprints of copepod crustaceans causing multifocal purple spots syndrome in the Caribbean sea fan Gorgonia ventalina. Diversity. 2024, 16, 280. Click here for pdf.
- Kruijssen TP, Wit MR, van Breukelen BM, van der Ploeg M, Bense VF. Hydrogeological conceptualization of a small island groundwater system using historical data. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 2024 Jan;103:e27. Click here for pdf.
- La Rosa IA, López-Marmolejo C, Cacho NI. Recent evolutionary divergence in a plant ring-species is not accompanied by floral phenology or pollinator shifts. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 2024 Jan 1;157(2):158-73. Click here for pdf.
- Latijnhouwers KR, van Aalst M, Huckeba J, Miller MW, Vermeij MJ, Chamberland VF. The sea urchin Diadema antillarum facilitates recruitment of the Critically Endangered Caribbean coral species Acropora palmata. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2024 Oct 8;746:35-48. Click here for pdf.
- Lax G, Park E, Na I, Jacko-Reynolds V, Kwong WK, House CS, Trznadel M, Wakeman K, Leander BS, Keeling P. Phylogenomic diversity of archigregarine apicomplexans. Open Biology. 2024 Sep 25;14(9):240141. Click here for pdf.
- Locatelli NS, Kitchen SA, Stankiewicz KH, Osborne CC, Dellaert Z, Elder H, Kamel B, Koch HR, Fogarty ND, Baums IB. Chromosome-level genome assemblies and genetic maps reveal heterochiasmy and macrosynteny in endangered Atlantic Acropora. BMC genomics. 2024 Nov 20;25:1119. Click here for pdf.
- Maggioni D, Schuchert P, Ostrovsky AN, Schiavo A, Hoeksema BW, Pica D, Piraino S, Arrigoni R, Seveso D, Montalbetti E, Galli P. Systematics and character evolution of capitate hydrozoans. Cladistics. 2024 Apr;40(2):107-34. Click here for pdf.
- Malawauw RJ, Piaskowy J, ter Horst LJ, Calhoun DM, Johnson PT. Parasitism in reef fish communities: evaluating the roles of host traits, habitat use, and phylogeny on infection by Scaphanocephalus (Trematoda). Coral Reefs. 2024 Mar 11:1-4. Click here for pdf.
- Miller MW, Mendoza Quiroz S, Lachs L, Banaszak AT, Chamberland VF, Guest JR, Gutting AN, Latijnhouwers KR, Sellares-Blasco RI, Virdis F, Villalpando MF. Assisted sexual coral recruits show high thermal tolerance to the 2023 Caribbean mass bleaching event. PloS one. 2024 Sep 18;19(9):e0309719. Click here for pdf.
- Naaykens T, Fahim H, D’Aloia CC. Sponge species identity and morphology shape occupancy patterns of a Caribbean sponge-dwelling goby (Elacatinus horsti). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2024 Jul 22:1-4. Click here for pdf.
- Pankey MS, Gochfeld DJ, Gastaldi M, Macartney KJ, Clayshulte Abraham A, Slattery M, Lesser MP. Phylosymbiosis and metabolomics resolve phenotypically plastic and cryptic sponge species in the genus Agelas across the Caribbean basin. Molecular Ecology. 2024 Mar 26:e17321. Click here for pdf.
- Phillips PM, Langhans KE, Helmus MR, Jesse WA, Surget‐Groba Y, Behm JE. Dispersal restriction and facilitation in species with differing tolerance to development: A landscape genetics study of native and introduced lizards. Diversity and Distributions. 2024:e13858. Click here for pdf.
- Piña-de la Rosa IA, López-Marmolejo C, Cacho NI. Recent evolutionary divergence in a plant ring-species is not accompanied by floral phenology or pollinator shifts. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 2024;157(2):158. Click here for pdf.
- Prata KE, Bongaerts P, Dwyer JM, Ishida H, Howitt SM, Hereward JP, Crandall ED, Riginos C. Some reef-building corals only disperse metres per generation. Proceedings B. 2024 Jul 24;291(2027):20231988. Click here for pdf.
- Thobor BM, Tilstra A, Mueller B, Haas A, Hehemann JH, Wild C. Mucus carbohydrate composition correlates with scleractinian coral phylogeny. Scientific Reports. 2024 Jun 18;14(1):14019. Click here for pdf.
- Thobor BM, Haas AF, Wild C, Nelson CE, Wegley Kelly L, Hehemann JH, Arts MG, Boer M, Buck-Wiese H, Nguyen NP, Hellige I. Coral high molecular weight carbohydrates support opportunistic microbes in bacterioplankton from an algae-dominated reef. mSystems. 2024 Oct 22:e00832-24. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Gibbs HL, Simões N, Daly M. Topology Testing and Demographic Modeling Illuminate a Novel Speciation Pathway in the Greater Caribbean Sea Following the Formation of the Isthmus of Panama. Systematic Biology. 2024 Jul 23:syae045. Click here for pdf.
- Trznadel M, Holt CC, Livingston SJ, Kwong WK, Keeling PJ. Coral-infecting parasites in cold marine ecosystems. Current Biology. 2024 Apr 22;34(8):1810-6. Click here for pdf.
- van der Meij SE, Xu T. Complete mitochondrial genome characterisation of Ratha longimana (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) from the western Atlantic Ocean, with a phylogeny of the Xanthidae (Decapoda: Brachyura). Journal of Crustacean Biology. 2024 Sep;44(3):ruae058. Click here for pdf,
- van Duyl FC, Post VE, van Breukelen BM, Bense V, Visser PM, Meesters EH, Koeniger P, Vermeij MJA. Composition and distribution of the near-shore waters bordering the coral reefs of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao in the Southern Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2024 Dec 1;209:117297. Click here for pdf.
- Van Leeuwen SJ, Salvador RB. Miradiscops hovestadti spec. nov. (Gastropoda: Scolodontidae) from Curaçao. Basteria. 2024 88 (2): 173-179. Click here for pdf.
- Van Tooren BF, Bruinsma JH. The stoneworts of Bonaire and Curaçao in 2023. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives. 2024 Jan 1;46(1):34-40. Click here for pdf.
- Varona NS, Hesketh-Best PJ, Coutinho FH, Stiffler AK, Wallace BA, Garcia SL, Scholten Y, Haas AF, Little M, Vermeij MJA, Luque A. Host-specific viral predation network on coral reefs. The ISME Journal. 2024 Dec 6:wrae240. Click here for pdf.
- Wallace BA, Varona NS, Silveira CB. An enrichment approach for the recovery of viral and bacterial genomes from coral metagenomes. Click here for pdf.
- Wallace BA, Varona NS, Hesketh-Best PJ, Stiffler AK, Silveira CB. Globally distributed bacteriophage genomes reveal mechanisms of tripartite phage–bacteria–coral interactions. The ISME Journal. 2024 Jan;18(1):wrae132. Click here for pdf.
- Yap-Chiongco MK, Bergmeier FS, Roberts NG, Jörger KM, Kocot KM. Phylogenomic reconstruction of Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aplacophora) informs hypotheses on body size evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2024 May 1;194:108029. Click here for pdf.
- Yus J, Nixon EN, Li J, Gimenez JN, Bennett MJ, Flores D, Marhaver KL, Kelly LW, Espinosa-Marzal RM, Johnson AW. Composite substrates for coral larval settlement and reef restoration based on natural hydraulic lime and inorganic strontium and magnesium compounds. Ecological Engineering. 2024 May 1;202:107236. Click for pdf.
Scientific publications
- Baer JL, Carilli J, Chadwick B, Hatay M, van der Geer A, Scholten Y, Barnes W, Aquino J, Ballard A, Little M, Brzenski J. Coral Reef Arks: An In Situ Mesocosm and Toolkit for Assembling Reef Communities. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments). 2023 Jan 6(191):e64778. Click here for pdf.
- Banaszak AT, Marhaver KL, Miller MW, Hartmann AC, Albright R, Hagedorn M, Harrison PL, Latijnhouwers KR, Mendoza Quiroz S, Pizarro V, Chamberland VF. Applying coral breeding to reef restoration: best practices, knowledge gaps, and priority actions in a rapidly evolving field. Restoration Ecology.:e13913. Click here for pdf.
- Behm JE, Ellers J, Jesse WA, Tran TJ, Helmus MR. Predicting and quantifying coexistence outcomes between resident and invading species using trait and abundance data. bioRxiv. 2023:2023-01. Click here for pdf.
- Brown T, Sonett D, McMinds R, Pollock FJ, Medina M, Zaneveld JR. Anatomically-specific coupling between innate immune gene repertoire and microbiome structure during coral evolution. bioRxiv. 2023:2023-04. Click here for pdf.
- Candy AS, Taylor Parkins SK, Van Duyl FC, Mueller B, Arts MG, Barnes W, Carstensen M, Scholten YJ, El-Khaled YC, Wild C, Kelly LW, Nelson CE, Sandin SA, Vermeij MJA, Rohwer FL, Picioreanu C, Stocchi P, Haas AF. Small-scale oxygen distribution patterns in a coral reef. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023 10:463. Click here for pdf.
- Debrot AO, Wellens RM, de Vries HE, Da Costa Gomez M, Rusch-de Lijster CANF, Cijntje QND, Houtepen E, Schets PPP. A case study of sea and shorebird breeding recovery following goat and cat eradication on Klein Curaçao, southern Caribbean. Journal of Field Ornithology. 2023 94(3):18. Click here for pdf.
- Defourneaux É, Herranz M, Armenteros M, Sørensen MV, Norenburg J, Park T, Worsaae K. Circumtropical distribution and cryptic species of the meiofaunal enteropneust Meioglossus (Harrimaniidae, Hemichordata). Researchsquare. Click here for pdf.
- de Jong C, van Os I, Sepulveda-Rodriguez G, de Baat ML, Schoepf V. Sentinels for future coral reef conditions: assessment of environmental variability and water quality in semi-enclosed inland bays in the southern Caribbean. bioRxiv. 2023:2023-10. Click here for pdf.
- Eckmann CA, Eberle JS, Wittmers F, Wilken S, Bergauer K, Poirier C, Blum M, Makareviciute-Fichtner K, Jimenez V, Bachy C, Vermeij MJA, Worden AZ. Eukaryotic algal community composition in tropical environments from solar salterns to the open sea. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023 Jun 30. Click here for pdf.
- Epstein HE, Brown T, Akinrinade AO, McMinds R, Pollock FJ, Sonett D, Smith S, Bourne DG, Carpenter CS, Knight R, Willis BL. Evidence for microbially-mediated tradeoffs between growth and defense throughout coral evolution. bioRxiv. 2023:2023-04. Click here for pdf.
- Fransen CH. The marine palaemonid shrimps (Crustacea, Deapoda, Caridea) of the Dutch Caribbean. Zootaxa. 2023 Dec 15;5387(1):1-27. Click here for pdf.
- Geertsma RC, Kamermans P, Murk AJ, Wijgerde T. Real-time high resolution tracking of coral and oyster larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2023 Aug 1;565:151910. Click here for pdf.
- Gijsbers JC, Englebert N, Prata KE, Pichon M, Dinesen Z, Brunner R, Eyal G, González-Zapata FL, Kahng SE, Latijnhouwers KR, Muir P, Radice VZ, Sanchez JA, Vermeij MJA, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Jacobs SJ, Bongaerts P. Global phylogenomic assessment of Leptoseris and Agaricia reveals substantial undescribed diversity at mesophotic depths. BMC Biology. 2023 Dec;21(1):1-5. Click here for pdf.
- Gigeroff AS, Eglit Y, Simpson AG. Characterisation and Cultivation of New Lineages of Colponemids, a Critical Assemblage for Inferring Alveolate Evolution. Protist. 2023 Mar 18:125949. Click here for pdf.
- Goodheart JA, Collins AG, Cummings MP, Egger B, Rawlinson KA. A phylogenomic approach to resolving interrelationships of polyclad flatworms, with implications for life-history evolution. Royal Society Open Science. 2023 Mar 29;10(3):220939. Click here for pdf.
- Harms KE, Eberhard JR. Roosting behavior of the Brown-throated Parakeet (Aratinga pertinax) and roost locations on four southern Caribbean islands. Ornitologia Neotropical. 2023;14(1):7. Click here for pdf.
- Hill RW, Florn AM, Vermeij MJ, Frade PR. In situ testing of candidate odorant cues in coral-reef fish: A new method with tests of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and betaines. Frontiers in Marine Science.;10:1187249. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Samimi-Namin K, McFadden CS, Rocha RM, van Ofwegen LP, Hiemstra AF, Vermeij MJA. Non-native coral species dominate the fouling community on a semi-submersible platform in the southern Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2023 Sep 1;194:115354. Click here for pdf.
- Hough A, Criswell C, Faruk A, Cavanaugh JE, Kolber BJ, Tidgewell KJ. Barbamide displays affinity for membrane-bound receptors and impacts store-operated calcium entry in mouse sensory neurons. Marine Drugs. 2023 Feb;21(2):110. Click here for pdf.
- Janssen J, Houtepen E, van Proosdij A, Hennekens S. CACTUS – Vegetation database of the Dutch Caribbean Islands. Vegetation Classification and Survey. 2023 4: 69-74. Click here for pdf.
- Kise H, Santos ME, Fourreau CJ, Iguchi A, Goto R, Reimer JD. Evolutionary patterns of host switching, lifestyle mode, and the diversification history in symbiotic zoantharians. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2023 Feb 11:107732. Click here for pdf.
- Kupriyanova E, Sun Y, Wong E, Harry A. Hydroides of the World. CSIRO PUBLISHING; 2023 Jul 3. Click here for more info.
- Laetz E, Palau LB. A leafy thief that steals chloroplasts but cannot keep them. Researchsquare. Click here for pdf.
- Lax G, Keeling PJ. Molecular phylogenetics of sessile Dolium sedentarium, a petalomonad euglenid. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 2023 Jul 9:e12991. Click here for pdf.
- Locatelli NS, Kitchen SA, Stankiewicz KH, Osborne CC, Dellaert Z, Elder H, Kamel B, Koch HR, Fogarty ND, Baums IB. Genome assemblies and genetic maps highlight chromosome-scale macrosynteny in Atlantic acroporids. bioRxiv. 2023:2023-12. Click here for pdf.
- Maggioni D, Schuchert P, Ostrovsky AN, Schiavo A, Hoeksema BW, Pica D, Piraino S, Arrigoni R, Seveso D, Montalbetti E, Galli P. Systematics and character evolution of capitate hydrozoans. Cladistics. 2023 Dec 19. Click here for pdf.
- Matchette SR, Drerup C, Davison IK, Simpson SD, Radford AN, Herbert-Read JE. Predatory trumpetfish conceal themselves from their prey by swimming alongside other fish. Current Biology. 2023 Aug 7;33(15):R801-2. Click here for pdf.
- Pfingstl T, Bardel-Kahr I, Schäffer S. The Caribbean intertidal mite Alismobates inexpectatus (Acari, Oribatida), an unexpected case of cryptic diversity?. Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 2023 Sep 29:1-22. Click here for pdf.
- Pysanczyn JW, Williams EA, Brodrick E, Robert D, Craggs J, Marhaver KL, Simpson SD. The role of acoustics within the sensory landscape of coral larval settlement. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023 May 30;10:1111599. Click here for pdf.
- Quinlan ZA, Bennett MJ, Arts MG, Levenstein M, Flores D, Tholen HM, Tichy L, Juarez G, Haas AF, Chamberland VF, Latijnhouwers KR. Coral larval settlement induction using tissue-associated and exuded coralline algae metabolites and the identification of putative chemical cues. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2023 Oct 18;290(2009):20231476. Click here for pdf.
- Rivera-Milán FF, Schut K, Zeegers D, Nava M, Simal F. Green and hawksbill turtle detection and abundance at foraging grounds in Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Endangered Species Research. 2023 Jul 6;51:173-82. Click here for pdf.
- Smulders FO, Slikboer N, Christianen MJ, Vonk JA. Battle for the mounds: Niche competition between upside‐down jellyfish and invasive seagrass. Ecology. 2023 Jan 25:e3980. Click here for pdf.
- Tavares AI, Assis J, Larkin PD, Creed JC, Magalhães K, Horta P, Engelen A, Cardoso N, Barbosa C, Pontes S, Regalla A. Long range gene flow beyond predictions from oceanographic transport in a tropical marine foundation species. Scientific Reports. 2023 Jun 5;13(1):9112. Click here for pdf.
- Thurman CL, Shih HT, McNamara JC. Minuca panema (Coelho, 1972): Resurrection of a Fiddler Crab Species from Brazil Closely Related to Minuca burgersi (Holthuis, 1967)(Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae). Zoological Studies. 2023;62. Click here for pdf.
- Trznadel M, Holt CC, Livingston SJ, Kwong WK, Keeling PJ. Coral-Infecting Parasites in Cold Marine Ecosystems. Available at SSRN 4657711. Click here for pdf.
- Van Steenkiste NW, Wakeman KC, Söderström B, Leander BS. Patterns of host-parasite associations between marine meiofaunal flatworms (Platyhelminthes) and rhytidocystids (Apicomplexa). Scientific Reports. 2023 Nov 29;13(1):21050. Click here for pdf.
- Varona N, Hesketh-Best P, Stiffler A, Garcia S, Scholten Y, Haas A, Little M, Coutinho FH, Vermeij MJA, Luque A, Silveira C. Productive viral infections in oligotrophic marine waters. Click here for a preprint.
- Xu T, Bravo H, van der Meij SE. Phylomitogenomics elucidates the evolution of symbiosis in Thoracotremata (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae, Pinnotheridae, Varunidae). PeerJ. 2023 Oct 16;11:e16217. Click here for pdf.
- Yus J, Nixon EN, Li J, Noriega Gimenez J, Bennett MJ, Flores D, Marhaver KL, Wegley Kelly L, Espinosa-Marzal RM, Wagoner Johnson A. Composite substrates for coral larval settlement and reef restoration based on natural hydraulic lime and inorganic strontium and magnesium compounds. Available at SSRN 4659040. Click here for pdf.
- Ziebell AC, Vogel ML, Ratajczak NK, Hoeksema BW. Habitat Use of Two Coral-Associated Cryptobenthic Gobiid Fishes (Family: Gobiidae) in the Southern Caribbean. Fishes. 2023 Oct 23;8(10):531. Click here for pdf.
Scientific publications
- Ballesteros-Contreras DC, Barrios LM, Preziosi R (2022) New microsatellite markers for the shallow coral Madracis auretenra from the Caribbean. Plos one. 2022 Sep 28;17(9):e0274895. Click here for pdf.
- Ballesteros-Contreras DC, Barrios LM, Preziosi R (2022) Population structure of the shallow coral Madracis auretenra in the Caribbean Sea. Front. Mar. Sci., 04 October 2022. Click here for pdf.
- Baums IB, Chamberland VF, Locatelli NS, Conn T (2022) Maximizing genetic diversity in coral restoration projects. In: van Oppen MJH, Aranda Lastra M (eds.) Coral reef conservation and restoration in the omics age. Coral reefs of the world 15. pp 35-53.
- Bock N, Subramaniam A, Juhl AR, Montoya J, Duhamel S (2022) Quantifying per-cell chlorophyll a in natural picophytoplankton populations using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022 May; 9. Click here for pdf.
- Boscaro V, Holt CC, Van Steenkiste NW, Herranz M, Irwin NA, Àlvarez-Campos P, Grzelak K, Holovachov O, Kerbl A, Mathur V, Okamoto N, Piercey RS, Worsaae K, Leander BS, Keeling PJ (2022) Microbiomes of microscopic marine invertebrates do not reveal signatures of phylosymbiosis. Nature Microbiology. 2022 May 26:1-0. Click here for pdf.
- Bouderlique T, Petersen J, Faure L, Abed-Navandi D, Bouchnita A, Mueller B, Nazarov M, Englmaier L, Tesarova M, Frade PR, Zikmund T (2022) Surface flow for colonial integration in reef-building corals. Current Biology. 2022 May 12. Click here for pdf.
- Campana S, Riesgo A, Jongepier E, Fuss J, Muyzer G, de Goeij JM (2022) Meta-transcriptomic comparison of two sponge holobionts feeding on coral-and macroalgal-dissolved organic matter. BMC genomics. 2022 Dec;23(1):1-6. Click here for pdf.
- Dillon EM (2022) Reconstructing historical shark communities on coral reefs using fossil dermal denticle assemblages (Doctoral dissertation, UC Santa Barbara). Click here for pdf.
- Geertsma RC, Wijgerde T, Latijnhouwers KRW, Chamberland VF (2022) Onset of zooplanktivory and optimal water flow rates for prey capture in newly settled polyps of ten Caribbean coral species. Coral Reefs (2022). Click here for pdf.
- Goodheart JA, Collins AG, Cummings MP, Egger B, Rawlinson KA (2022) Phylogenomics suggests that larvae are ancestral in polyclads, but not homologous to the trochophore. bioRxiv. 2022 Jan 1. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Harper CE, Langdon-Down SJ, van derSchoot RJ Smith-Moorhouse A, Spaargaren R Timmerman RF (2022) Host range of the coral-associated worm snail Petaloconchus sp.(Gastropoda: Vermetidae), a newly discovered cryptogenic pest species in the Southern Caribbean. Diversity 14: 196. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Timmerman RF, Spaargaren R, Smith-Moorhouse A, van der Schoot RJ, Langdon-Down SJ, Harper CE (2022) Morphological modifications and injuries of corals caused by symbiotic feather duster worms (Sabellidae) in the Caribbean. Diversity 14, 332. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Smith-Moorhouse A, Harper CE, van der Schoot RJ, Timmerman RF, Spaargaren R, Langdon-Down SJ (2022) Black mantle tissue of endolithic mussels (Leiosolenus spp.) is cloaking borehole orifices in Caribbean reef corals. Diversity 14(5):401. Click here for pdf.
- Holt CC, Boscaro V, Van Steenkiste NW, Herranz M, Mathur V, Irwin NA, Buckholtz G, Leander BS, Keeling PJ (2022) Microscopic marine invertebrates are reservoirs for cryptic and diverse protists and fungi. Microbiome. 2022 Dec;10(1):1-3. Click here for pdf.
- Hudspith M, de Goeij JM, Streekstra M, Kornder NA, Bougoure J, Guagliardo P, Campana S, van der Wel NN, Muyzer G, Rix L (2022) Harnessing solar power: photoautotrophy supplements the diet of a low-light dwelling sponge. The ISME Journal. 2022 Jun 2:1-1. Click here for pdf.
- Humphreys WF. Community extinction: the groundwater (stygo-) fauna of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Hydrobiologia. 2022 Oct 5:1-7. Click here for pdf.
- Indraningrat AA, Steinert G, Becking LE, Mueller B, de Goeij JM, Smidt H, Sipkema D (2022) Sponge holobionts shift their prokaryotic communities and antimicrobial activity from shallow to lower mesophotic depths. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 23:1-9. Click here for pdf.
- Kitchen SA, Osborne CC, Fogarty ND, Baums IB (2022) Morphotype is not linked to mitochondrial haplogroup of Caribbean acroporid hybrids. Coral Reefs 41, 829–836. Click here for pdf.
- Kornder NA, Esser Y, Stoupin D, Leys SP, Mueller B, Vermeij MJA, Huisman J, de Goeij JM (2022) Sponges sneeze mucus to shed particulate waste from their seawater inlet pores. Current Biology. 2022 Aug 10. Click here for pdf.
- Lesser MP, Sabrina Pankey M, Slattery M, Macartney KJ, Gochfeld DJ (2022) Microbiome diversity and metabolic capacity determines the trophic ecology of the holobiont in Caribbean sponges. ISME Communications Nov 10;2(1):1-2. Click here for pdf.
- Levenstein MA, Marhaver KL, Quinlan ZA, Tholen HM, Tichy L, Yus J, Lightcap I, Kelly LW, Juarez G, Vermeij MJA, Johnson AJ (2022). Engineered substrates reveal species-specific inorganic cues for coral larval settlement. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, Click here for pdf.
- Levenstein MA, Gysbers DJ, Marhaver KL, Kattom S, Tichy L, Quinlan Z, Tholen HM, Kelly LW, Vermeij MJA, Johnson AJ, Juarez G (2022) Millimeter-scale topography enables coral larval settlement in wave-driven oscillatory flow. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0274088. Click here for pdf.
- Little MJ (2022) Phage and bacterial ecology in marine holobiont disease and competition (Doctoral dissertation, UC San Diego). Click here for pdf.
- Miller MW, Latijnhouwers KR, Bickel A, Mendoza‐Quiroz S, Schick M, Burton K, Banaszak AT (2022) Settlement yields in large‐scale in situ culture of Caribbean coral larvae for restoration. Restoration Ecology 30(3): e13512. Click here for pdf.
- Morrow KM, Pankey MS, Lesser MP (2022) Community structure of coral microbiomes is dependent on host morphology. Microbiome 10(1): 1-9. Click here for pdf.
- Mueller B, Brocke HJ, Rohwer FL, Dittmar T, Huisman J, Vermeij MJA, de Goeij JM (2022) Nocturnal dissolved organic matter release by turf algae and its role in the microbialization of reefs. Functional Ecology. 2022 Apr 29. Click here for pdf.
- Polanco A, Waldock C, Keggin T, Marques V, Rozanski R, Valentini A, Dejean T, Manel S, Vermeij MJA, Albouy C, Pellissier L (2022) Ecological indices from environmental DNA to contrast coastal reefs under different anthropogenic pressures. Ecology and Evolution 12: 8, e9212. Click here for pdf.
- Prata K, Riginos C, Gutenkunst R, Latijnhouwers K, Sánchez J, Englebert N, Hay K, Bongaerts P (2022) Deep connections: divergence histories with gene flow in mesophotic Agaricia corals. Mol. Ecol. 31: 2511-2527. Click here for pdf.
- Reimer, J.D., Wee, H.B., García-Hernández, J.E., Hoeksema BW (2022) Same but different? Zoantharian assemblages (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Bonaire and Curaçao, southern Caribbean. Coral Reefs (2022). Click here for pdf.
- Restrepo C, Delgado D, Debrot AO, de Vries AJ, Houtepen E, de Freitas AJ (2022) Phenological trajectories of Caribbean very dry tropical forests diverge under different geologic formations. Biotropica. June 2022. Click here for abstract.
- Sabrina Pankey M, Plachetzki DC, Macartney KJ, Gastaldi M, Slattery M, Gochfeld DJ, Lesser MP (2022) Cophylogeny and convergence shape holobiont evolution in sponge–microbe symbioses. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7:1-3. Click here for pdf.
- Sandin SA, Alcantar E, Clark R, de León R, Dilrosun F, Edwards CB, Estep AJ, Eynaud Y, French BJ, Fox MD, Grenda D, Hamilton SL, Kramp H, Marhaver KL, Miller SD, Roach TNF, Seferina G, Silveira CB, Smith JE, Zgliczynski BJ, Vermeij MJA (accepted) Benthic assemblages are more predictable than fish assemblages at an island scale. Coral Reefs. Published online May 2022. Click here for pdf.
- Sandin SA, French BJ, Zgliczynski BJ (2022) Emerging insights on effects of sharks and other top predators on coral reefs. Emerg Top Life Sci 6: 57–65. Click here for pdf.
- Simal F, Smith L, Doest O, de Lannoy C, Franken F, Zaandam I, Simal D, Nassar JM. Bat Inventories at caves and mines on the Islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao, and proposed conservation actions. Acta Chiropterologica. 2022 Feb;23(2):455-74. Click here for pdf.
- Simal F, Vallarino A, Beukenboom E, Paula R, Beaumont H, Zaragoza G, Wolfs E, Holian P, Albers E (2022) Brown Boobies (Sula leucogaster) roosting at Washington-Slagbaai National Park, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 33:78–81. Click here for pdf.
- Simal F, Vallarino A, Albers E (2022) Conservation opportunities for tern species at two Ramsar sites on Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 35:63–69. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Daly M (2022) Population genomics for symbiotic anthozoans: can reduced representation approaches be used for taxa without reference genomes?. Heredity 13:1-4. Click here for pdf.
- van der Meij SE, Bravo H, Scholten YJ, Dromard CR (2022) Host use of the elkhorn coral crab Domecia acanthophora (Brachyura: Domeciidae), with a phylogeny of the genus. Cahiers de biologie marine 63(3):239-246. Click here for pdf.
- van der Schoot RJ, Hoeksema BW (2022). Abundance of coral-associated fauna in relation to depth and eutrophication along the leeward side of Curaçao, southern Caribbean. Marine Environmental Research, 105738. Click here for pdf.
- Van Steenkiste NW, Leander BS. The molecular phylogenetic position of Mariplanella piscadera sp. nov. reveals a new major group of rhabdocoel flatworms: Mariplanellida status novus (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela). Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 2022 Jan 31:1-8. Click here for pdf.
- Vasquez-Kuntz KL, Kitchen SA, Conn TL, Vohsen SA, Chan AN, Vermeij MJA, Page C, Marhaver KL, Baums IB (2022) Inheritance of somatic mutations by animal offspring. Science Advances: eabn0707. Click here for pdf.
Scientific publications
- Achlatis M, van der Zande RM, Webb AE, de Bakker DM, de Nooijer LJ, de Goeij JM. (2021) Photosynthetically stimulated bioerosion in symbiotic sponges: the role of glycerol and oxygen. Coral Reefs. 2021 Apr 29:1-1. Click here for pdf.
- Aires T, Stuij TM, Muyzer G, Serrão EA, Engelen AH. Characterization and comparison of bacterial communities of an invasive and two native Caribbean seagrass species sheds light on the possible influence of the microbiome on invasive mechanisms. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021:2123. Click here for pdf.
- Bongaerts P, Dubé CE, Prata K, Gijsbers J, Achlatis M, Hernandez-Agreda A (2021) Reefscape genomics: leveraging advances in 3D imaging to assess fine-scale patterns of genomic variation on coral reefs. EcoEvoRxiv. April 15. doi:10.32942/ Click here for pdf.
- Campana S, Hudspith M, Lankes D, De Kluijver A, Demey C, Schoorl J, Absalah S, Van Der Meer MT, Mueller B, De Goeij JM (2021) Processing of naturally sourced macroalgal-and coral-dissolved organic matter (DOM) by high and low microbial abundance encrusting sponges. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:452. Click here for pdf.
- Campana S, Busch K, Hentschel U, Muyzer G, de Goeij JM. DNA-stable isotope probing DNA-stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) identifies marine sponge-associated bacteria actively utilizing dissolved organic matter (DOM). Environmental microbiology. Click here for pdf.
- Campana S, Demey C, Busch K, Hentschel U, Muyzer G, de Goeij JM. Marine sponges maintain stable bacterial communities between reef sites with different coral to algae cover ratios. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2021 Aug 5. Click here for pdf.
- Clayshulte Abraham A, Gochfeld DJ, Macartney K, Mellor A, Lesser MP, Slattery M. Biochemical variability in sponges across the Caribbean basin. Invertebrate Biology. 2021 Jul 1:e12341. Click here for pdf.
- Cramer K, Donovan M, Jackson J, Greenstein B, Korpanty C, Cook G, Pandolfi J (2021) The transformation of Caribbean coral communities since humans. Ecology and Evolution, July 2021. Click here for pdf.
- Delvoye L, Bak RPM, Marhaver KL, Nieuwland G, Vermeij MJA (2021) Caribbean white coral diseases can be linked to fungal invasion. Caribbean Naturalist 81. Click here for pdf.
- Eberhard JR, Zager I, Ferrer-Paris JR, Rodríguez-Clark K. Contact calls of island Brown-throated Parakeets exhibit both character and variance shifts compared to calls of their mainland relatives. Ornithology. 2021 Nov 20. Click here for pdf.
- George EE, Mullinix JA, Meng F, Bailey BA, Edwards C, Felts B, Haas AF, Hartmann AC, Mueller B, Roach TN, Salamon P, Silveira C, Vermeij MJA, Rohwer FL, Luque A (2021) Space-filling and benthic competition on coral reefs. PeerJ. 2021 Jun 29;9:e11213. Click here for pdf.
- Hagedorn M, Page CA, O’Neil KL, Flores DM, Tichy L, Conn T, Chamberland VF, Lager C, Zuchowicz N, Lohr K, Blackburn H, Vardi T, Moore J, Moore T, Baums IB, Vermeij MJA, Marhaver KL (2021) Assisted gene flow using cryopreserved sperm in critically endangered coral. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Sep 2021, 118 (38) e2110559118. Click here for pdf.
- Hoadley KD, Hamilton M, Poirier CL, Choi CJ, Yung CM, Worden AZ (2021) Selective uptake of pelagic microbial community members by Caribbean reef corals. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2021 Mar 5. Click here for pdf.
- Hudspith M, Rix L, Achlatis M, Bougoure J, Guagliardo P, Clode PL, Webster NS, Muyzer G, Pernice M, de Goeij JM (2021) Subcellular view of host–microbiome nutrient exchange in sponges: insights into the ecological success of an early metazoan–microbe symbiosis. Microbiome 9(1):1-5. Click here for pdf.
- Hudspith M, van der Sprong J, Rix L, Víg D, Schoorl J, de Goeij JM. Quantifying sponge host and microbial symbiont contribution to dissolved organic matter uptake through cell separation. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2021 Jul 22;670:1-3. Click here for pdf.
- Kornder NA, Cappelletto J, Mueller B, Zalm MJ, Martinez SJ, Vermeij MJ, Huisman J, de Goeij JM. Implications of 2D versus 3D surveys to measure the abundance and composition of benthic coral reef communities. Coral Reefs 16:1-7. Click here for pdf.
- Kwong WK, Irwin NA, Mathur V, Na I, Okamoto N, Vermeij MJA, Keeling PJ (2021) Taxonomy of the Apicomplexan Symbionts of Coral, including Corallicolida ord. nov., Reassignment of the Genus Gemmocystis, and Description of New Species Corallicola aquarius gen. nov. sp. nov. and Anthozoaphila gnarlus gen. nov. sp. nov. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 2021 Jul;68(4):e12852. Click here for pdf.
- Lamb AD, Lippi CA, Watkins‐Colwell GJ, Jones A, Warren DL, Iglesias TL, Brandley MC, Dornburg A (2021) Comparing the dietary niche overlap and ecomorphological differences between invasive Hemidactylus mabouia geckos and a native gecko competitor. Ecology and Evolution 1:18719–18732. Click here for pdf.
- Levenstein MA, Marhaver KL, Quinlan ZA, Tholen HM, Tichy L, Yus J, Lightcap I, Kelly LW, Juarez G, Vermeij MJA, Johnson AJ (2021). Engineered Substrates Reveal Species-Specific Inorganic Cues for Coral Larval Settlement. Chemrixv. Click here for pdf.
- Little M, George EE, Arts MG, Shivak J, Huckeba J, Benler S, Quinlan ZA, Boscaro V, Mueller B, Cobián Güemes AG, Rojas MI et al (2020) . Three-dimensional molecular cartography of the Caribbean reef-building coral Orbicella faveolata. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021;8:135. Click here for pdf.
- Loureiro LO, Engstrom MD, Lim BK (2021) Biogeography of Neotropical mastiff bats: A case of multiple dispersals between the Caribbean and mainland. Journal of Biogeography. 2021 Mar 12. Click here for pdf.
- Miller MW, Latijnhouwers KR, Bickel A, Mendoza‐Quiroz S, Schick M, Burton K, Banaszak AT. Settlement yields in large‐scale in situ culture of Caribbean coral larvae for restoration. Restoration Ecology.:e13512. Click here for pdf.
- O’Neil KL, Serafin RM, Patterson JT, Craggs JR. Repeated ex situ spawning in two highly disease susceptible corals in the family Meandrinidae. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021 May 11;8:463.
- Patton AH, Harmon LJ, del Rosario Castañeda M, Frank HK, Donihue CM, Herrel A, Losos JB (2021) When adaptive radiations collide: Different evolutionary trajectories between and within island and mainland lizard clades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences1 9;118(42). Click here for pdf.
- Pfingstl T, Lienhard A, Baumann J, Koblmüller S. A taxonomist‘s nightmare–Cryptic diversity in Caribbean intertidal arthropods (Arachnida, Acari, Oribatida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2021 Oct 1;163:107240. Click here for pdf.
- Plese B, Kenny NJ, Rossi ME, Cárdenas P, Schuster A, Taboada S, Koutsouveli V, Riesgo A. Mitochondrial evolution in the Demospongiae (Porifera): Phylogeny, divergence time, and genome biology. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2021 Feb 1;155:107011. Click here for pdf.
- Prata K, Riginos C, Gutenkunst R, Latijnhouwers K, Sánchez J, Englebert N, Hay K, Bongaerts P (2021) Deep connections: divergence histories with gene flow in mesophotic Agaricia corals. Authorea Preprints. 2021 Jun 23. Click here for pdf.
- Prokina KI, Keeling PJ, Tikhonenkov DV (2021) Heterotrophic flagellates and centrohelid heliozoans from marine waters of Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles. European Journal of Protistology 77:125758. Click here for pdf.
- Robertson DR, Kingon K, Baksh S, Estapé CJ, Morgan Estapé A (2021) The Indo-Pacific damselfish Neopomacentrus cyanomos at Trinidad, southeast Caribbean. Aquatic Invasions. 2021;16. Click here for pdf.
- Simal F., Smith L., Doest O., De Lannoy C, Franke F., Zaandam I., Simal D., Nassar JM. (2021) Bat inventories at caves and mines on the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao, and proposed conservation actions. Acta Chiropterologica, 23(2)
- Sivaguru M, Todorov LG, Fouke CE, Munro CMO, Fouke KW, Fouke KE, Baughman ME, Fouke BW (2021) Corals regulate the distribution and abundance of Symbiodiniaceae and biomolecules in response to changing water depth and sea surface temperature. Scientific Reports 11, 2230. Click here for pdf.
- Sabrina Pankey M, Plachetzki DC, Macartney KJ, Gastaldi M, Slattery M, Gochfeld DJ, Lesser MP (2022) Cophylogeny and convergence shape holobiont evolution in sponge–microbe symbioses. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7:1-3. Click here for pdf.
- Slattery M, Lesser MP. Gorgonians Are Foundation Species on Sponge-Dominated Mesophotic Coral Reefs in the Caribbean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021 Apr 6;8:304. Click here for pdf.
- Ter Horst LJ, Hoeksema BW (2021). Salpivory by colonial reef corals at Curaçao, Southern Caribbean. Diversity 13(11):560. Click here for pdf.
- Thurman CL, Alber RE, Hopkins MJ, Shih HT (2021) Morphological and genetic variation among populations of the fiddler crab Minuca burgersi (Holthuis, 1967) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) from shores of the Caribbean Basin and Western South Atlantic Ocean. Zoological Studies 60:19. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Gibbs L, Simoes N, Daly M (2021) Topology testing and demographic modeling illuminate a novel speciation pathway in the greater caribbean sea following the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. BioRxiv. Jan 1. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Daly M (2022) Population genomics for symbiotic anthozoans: can reduced representation approaches be used for taxa without reference genomes?. Heredity. 2022 Apr 13:1-4. Click here for pdf.
- Vardi T, Hoot WC, Levy J, Shaver E, Winters RS, Banaszak AT, Baums IB, Chamberland VF, Cook N, Gulko D, Hein MY. Six priorities to advance the science and practice of coral reef restoration worldwide. Restoration Ecology.:e13498. Click here for pdf.
- Webb AE, de Bakker DM, Soetaert K, da Costa T, van Heuven SM, van Duyl FC, Reichart GJ, de Nooijer LJ (2021) Functional consequences of Caribbean coral reef habitat degradation. Biogeosciences Discussions. 23:1-23. Click here for pdf.
- Xu T, Bravo H, Paulay G, van der Meij SE. Diversification and distribution of gall crabs (Brachyura: Cryptochiridae: Opecarcinus) associated with Agariciidae corals. Coral Reefs. 2021 Aug 12:1-1. Click here for pdf.
- Zamengo HB, Mogni VY, Torres RB, Da-Silva PR, Leme FM. Morfología comparada de diez taxones del género Celtis (Cannabaceae) del Cono Sur Sudamericano. Darwiniana, nueva serie. 2021 Jun;9(1):217-44. Click here for pdf.
Other publications
- de Bruijn EJ (2021) Towards better climate change adaptation governance in Curaçao and Bonaire (Master’s thesis). Click here for pdf.
- Dees NA (2021) Classifying coral shore regions, a deep learning approach (Master’s thesis). Click here for pdf.
- van Houselt GJ (2021) A rainwater harvesting system based Blueprint for excess runoff management on Caribbean Small Island Developing States investigating the feasibility of the Rigofill System combined with new dam structures in the Coral Estate Resort–Curacao (Master’s thesis). Click here for pdf.
Scientific publications
- Cacho NI, José-Zacatula D. Geographic patterns in pollen production in the plant ring species Euphorbia tithymaloides in the Caribbean (2020). Systematic Botany 45(4): 845-53. Click here for abstract.
- Calhoun SK, Haas AF, Takeshita Y, Johnson MD, Fox MD, Kelly EL, Mueller B, Vermeij MJA, Kelly LW, Nelson CE, Price NN (2020) Evidence for a biological source of widespread, reproducible nighttime oxygen spikes in tropical reef ecosystems has implications for coral health. bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1. Click here for pdf.
- Debrot AO, Madden H, Becking LE, Rojer A, Miller JY (2020) The butterflies of St. Eustatius with faunal comparisons among the adjacent islands of the Lesser Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 50: 91–106. Click here for pdf.
- De Freitas JA, Rojer AC, Nijhof BS, Houtepen EA, Debrot AO (2020) Landscape ecological vegetation map of St. Maarten (Lesser Antilles). Click here for pdf.
- De Gier W, Fransen CH, Ozten Low A, Hoeksema BW (2020) Reef fishes stalking box crabs in the southern Caribbean. Ecology 30:e03068. Click here for pdf.
- González-Rivero M, Beijbom O, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Bryant DE, Ganase A, Gonzalez-Marrero Y, Herrera-Reveles A, Kennedy EV, Kim CJ, Lopez-Marcano S, Markey K (2020) Monitoring of coral reefs using artificial intelligence: A feasible and cost-effective approach. Remote Sensing, 12(3). Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, García-Hernández JE, van Moorsel GWNM, Olthof G, ten Hove HA (2020) Extension of the recorded host range of Caribbean Christmas Tree Worms (Spirobranchus spp.) with two Scleractinians, a Zoantharian, and an Ascidian. Diversity 12:115. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, García-Hernández JE (2020) Host-related morphological variation of dwellings inhabited by the crab Domecia acanthophora in the corals Acropora palmata and Millepora complanata (Southern Caribbean). Diversity, 12(4): 143. Click here for pdf.
- Kitchen SA, Von Kuster G, Kuntz KLV, Reich HG, Miller W, Griffin S, Fogarty ND, Baums I (2020) STAGdb: a 30K SNP genotyping array and Science Gateway for Acropora corals and their dinoflagellate symbionts. Sci Rep 10, 12488. Click here for pdf.
- Kwong WK, Irwin NT, Mathur V, Na I, Okomoto N, Vermeij MJA, Keeling PJ (2020) Taxonomy of the apicomplexan symbionts of coral, including Corallicolida ord. nov., reassignment of the genus Gemmocystis, and description of new species Corallicola aquarius gen. nov. sp. nov. and Anthozoaphila gnarlus gen. nov. sp. nov. bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1. Click here for pdf.
- Lamb AD, Lippi CA, Watkins-Colwell GJ, Jones A, Warren D, Iglesias TL, Brandley M, Neagle C, Dornburg A (2020). What makes Hemidactylus invasions successful? A case study on the island of Curaçao. BioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1. Click here for pdf.
- Lax G, Simpson A. The Molecular Diversity of Phagotrophic Euglenids Examined Using Single-cell Methods. Protist. 2020 Aug 16:125757. Click here for abstract.
- Lesser MP, Mueller B, Pankey MS, Macartney KJ, Slattery M, de Goeij JM (2020) Depth‐dependent detritus production in the sponge, Halisarca caerulea. Limnology and Oceanography 65(6):1200-1216. Click here for pdf.
- Loureiro LO, Engstrom MD, Lim BK (2020) Does evolution of echolocation calls and morphology in Molossus result from convergence or stasis?. Plos one. 2020 Sep 24;15(9):e0238261. Click here for pdf.
- MacRae D, De Meyer K (2020) A new approach to monitoring Marine Protected Area Management Success in the Dutch Caribbean. In: Marine Protected Areas (pp. 379-409). Elsevier. Click here for Abstract.
- Montenegro J, Hoeksema BW, Santos ME, Kise H, Reimer JD (2020) Zoantharia (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia) of the Dutch Caribbean and one new species of Parazoanthus. Diversity. 2020; 12(5):190. Click here for pdf.
- Montano S, Maggioni D, Liguori G, Arrigoni R, Berumen ML, Seveso D, Galli P, Hoeksema BW (2020). Morpho-molecular traits of Indo-Pacific and Caribbean Halofolliculina ciliate infections. Coral Reefs, 1-12. Click here for abstract.
- Neely KL, Lewis CL, Macaulay KA (2020). Disparities in spawning times Between in situ and ex situ Pillar Corals. Frontiers in Marine Science; 7:643. Click here for pdf.
- Prokina KI, Keeling PJ, Tikhonenkov DV (2020) Heterotrophic flagellates and centrohelid heliozoans from marine waters of Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles. bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1. Click here for pdf.
- Rashid AR, Chennu A (2020) A trillion coral reef colors: Deeply annotated underwater hyperspectral images for automated classification and habitat mapping. Data, 5(1), 19. Click here for pdf.
- Ritger AL, Fountain CT, Bourne K, Martín-Fernández JA, Pierotti MER (2020) Diet choice in a generalist predator, the invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 524: 151311. Click here for pdf.
- Rivera-Milán FF, Nava M, Schut K, Simal F. Green and hawksbill turtle abundance and population dynamics at foraging grounds in Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Endangered Species Research. 2019 Nov 28;40:243-56.
- Roach TN, Little M, Arts MG, Huckeba J, Haas AF, George EE, Quinn RA, Cobián-Güemes AG, Naliboff DS, Silveira CB, Vermeij MJA, Wegley Kelly L, Dorrestein PC, Rohwer FL (2020) Multiomic analysis of in situ coral–turf algal interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.1915455117. Click here for pdf.
- Rodriguez-Ramirez A, González-Rivero M, Beijbom O, Bailhache C, Bongaerts P, Brown KT, Bryant DE, Dalton P, Dove S, Ganase A, Kennedy EV (2020) A contemporary baseline record of the world’s coral reefs. Scientific data. 2020 Oct 20;7(1):1-5. Click for pdf.
- Simal F, Vallarinob A, Beukenboom E, Paula R, Beaumont H, Zaragoza G, Wolfs E, Holian P, Albers E (2020) Brown Boobies (Sula leucogaster) roosting at Washington-Slagbaai National Park, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 33: 78–81. Click here for pdf.
- Stampar SN, Reimer JD, Maronna MM, Lopes CS, Ceriello H, Santos TB, Acuña FH, Morandini AC (2020) Ceriantharia (Cnidaria) of the World: an annotated catalogue and key to species. ZooKeys. Jul 23;952:1. Click here for pdf.
- Strong EE, Bouchet P (2020) Hidden in plain sight: two co-occurring cryptic species of Supplanaxis in the Caribbean (Cerithioidea, Planaxidae). ZooKeys: 991:85. Click here for pdf.
- Vasquez-Kuntz KL, Kitchen SA, Conn TL, Vohsen SA, Chan AN, Vermeij MJA, Page C, Marhaver KL, Baums IB (2020) Juvenile corals inherit mutations acquired during the parents lifespan. bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1. Click for pdf.
- Vieira C, Morrow K, D’Hondt S, Camacho O, Engelen AH, Payri CE, De Clerck O (2020) Diversity, ecology, biogeography and evolution of the prevalent brown algal genus Lobophora in the greater Caribbean sea, including the description of five new species. Journal of Phycology. 2020 Mar 11.
- Vohsen SA, Anderson KE, Gade AM, Gruber-Vodicka HR, Dannenberg RP, Osman EO, Dubilier N, Fisher CR, Baums IB (2020) Deep-sea corals provide new insight into the ecology, evolution, and the role of plastids in widespread apicomplexan symbionts of anthozoans. Microbiome 8(1):1-5. Click here for pdf.
- Wysokowski M, Machałowski T, Petrenko I, Schimpf C, Rafaja D, Galli R, Ziętek J, Pantović S, Voronkina A, Kovalchuk V, Ivanenko VN (2020) 3D chitin scaffolds of marine demosponge origin for biomimetic mollusk hemolymph-associated biomineralization ex-vivo. Marine Drugs 18(2):123. Click here for pdf.
- Zamengo HB, Gaglioti AL, Chamorro D, Mogni V, Oakley L, Prado D, Torres RB, de Mattos L, Da-Silva PR, Romaniuc-Neto S (2020). Nomenclatural novelties in Celtis (Cannabaceae) and a preliminary phylogeny of the genus with emphasis on the South American species. Brazilian Journal of Botany 43(4):947-60. Click here for pdf.
Other publications
Janssen JAM, Schaminée JHJ, Houtepenn E, de Freitas J (2020) Vegetatieonderzoek Bonaire 2019; Verslag van een veldbezoek en data-ontsluiting project. Wageningen, Wageningen Environmental Research, Rapport 3047. Click here for pdf.
Scientific publications
- Almaliti J, Miller B, Pietraszkiewicz H, Glukhov E, Naman CB, Kline T, Hanson J, Li X, Zhou S, Valeriote FA, Gerwick WH (2019) Exploration of the carmaphycins as payloads in antibody drug conjugate anticancer agents. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 161, pp.416-432. Click here for Abstract.
- Assour HR, Behm JE. First Occurrence of Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the Caribbean Island of Curaçao. Neotropical entomology. 2019 May 28:1-3. Click here for Abstract.
- Behm, J. E., van Buurt, G., DiMarco, B. M., Ellers, J., Irian, C. G., Langhans, K. E., … & Helmus, M. R. (2019). First records of the mourning gecko (Lepidodactyluslugubris Duméril & Bibron, 1836), common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus in Duméril, 1836), and Tokay gecko (Gekkogecko Linnaeus, 1758) on Curaçao, Dutch Antilles, and remarks on their Caribbean distributions. BioInvasions Records, 8(1), 34-44. Click here for pdf.
- Brito-Millán M, Vermeij MJA, Alcantar EA, Sandin SA (2019) Coral reef assessments based on cover alone mask active dynamics of coral communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2019 Nov 7;630:55-68. Click here for abstract.
- Brunet T, Larson BT, Linden TA, Vermeij MJA, McDonald K, King N (2019) Light-regulated collective contractility in a multicellular choanoflagellate. Science 6463: 326-334. See for biorxiv version of this paper.
- Cortés J, Ogden JC, Oxenford HA, van Tussenbroek BI, Jordán-Dahlgren E, Cróquer A, Bastidas C. (2018). The CARICOMP Network of Caribbean Marine Laboratories (1985-2007): History, Key Findings and Lessons Learned. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 519. Click here for pdf.
- Crews SC, Debrot AO, van Hoorn G, Galvis W, Esposito LA. The Arachnids (Arachnida) of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao. Caribbean Journal of Science. 2019 Oct;49(2-3):125-40. Click here for pdf.
- Freitas J, Camilleri J, Van Eijk S, Posno V< Valdes I, Coolen Q, van Blerk J, Grffith MP (2019) Sabalpalm (Sabal antillensis) Recovery over 40 years: Lessons for successful palm conservation. PALMS 63(2): 57–68.
- Dornburg, A., Lamb, A. D., Warren, D., Watkins-Colwell, G. J., Lewbart, G. A., & Flowers, J. (2019). Are Geckos Paratenic Hosts for Caribbean Island Acanthocephalans? Evidence from Gonatodes antillensis and a Global Review of Squamate Reptiles Acting as Transport Hosts. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 60(1), 55-79. Click here for pdf.
- Fogarty, Nicole D., and Kristen L. Marhaver (2019) Coral spawning, unsynchronized. Science 365.6457 : 987-988. See here for abstract
- Frade PR, Bongaerts P, Baldwin CC, Trembanis AC, Bak RP, Vermeij MJA (2019) Bonaire and Curaçao. In: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems 2019 (pp. 149-162). Springer, Cham.
- Haines LJ, Côté IM (2019) Homing decisions reveal lack of risk perception by Caribbean damselfish of invasive lionfish. Biological Invasions, 1-12. Click here for abstract
- Hartmann AC, Marhaver KL, Klueter A, Lovci M, Closek CJ, Diaz E, Chamberland VF, Archer FI, Deheyn DD, Vermeij MJA, Medina M (2019) Acquisition of obligate mutualist symbionts during the larval stage is not beneficial for a coral host. Molecular ecology. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Wels D, van der Schoot, RJ, Ten Hove HA (2019) Coral injuries caused by Spirobranchus opercula with and without epibiotic turf algae at Curaçao. Marine Biology, 166(5), 60. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Hiemstra AF, Vermeij MJA (2019) The rise of a native sun coral species on southern Caribbean coral reefs. Ecosphere. 2019 Nov 1;10(11). Click here for pdf.
- Iacarella JC, Saheed D, Dunham A, Ban NC. Non‐native species are a global issue for marine protected areas. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2019. Click here for pdf.
- Indraningrat AA, Micheller S, Runderkamp M, Sauerland I, Becking LE, Smidt H, Sipkema D (2019) Cultivation of sponge-associated bacteria from Agelas sventres and Xestospongia muta collected from different depths. Marine Drugs (10): 578. Click here for pdf.
- Kelly LW, Nelson CE, Haas AF, Naliboff DS, Calhoun S, Carlson CA, Edwards RA, Fox MD, Hatay M, Johnson MD, Kelly EL, Lim YW, Macherla S, Quinlan, Silva GGZ, Vermeij MJA, Zgliczynski B, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Rohwer FL (2019) Diel population and functional synchrony of microbial communities on coral reefs. Nature communications 10(1):1691. Click here for pdf.
- Klinger C, Żółtowska-Aksamitowska S, Wysokowski M, Tsurkan MV, Galli R, Petrenko I, Machałowski T, Ereskovsky A, Martinović R, Muzychka L, Smolii OB (2019). Express Method for Isolation of Ready-to-Use 3D Chitin Scaffolds from Aplysina archeri (Aplysineidae: Verongiida) Demosponge. Marine drugs 17(2):131. Click here for pdf.
- Korzhavina OA, Hoeksema BW, Ivanenko VN (2019). A review of Caribbean Copepoda associated with reef-dwelling cnidarians, echinoderms and sponges, Contributions to Zoology, , 1-53. Click here for pdf.
- Kwong, W. K., del Campo, J., Mathur, V., Vermeij, M. J., & Keeling, P. J. (2019). A widespread coral-infecting apicomplexan with chlorophyll biosynthesis genes. Nature, 568(7750), 103. Click here for pdf.
- Lax G, Lee WJ, Eglit Y, Simpson A. Ploeotids Represent Much of the Phylogenetic Diversity of Euglenids. Protist. 2019 Apr 1;170(2):233-57. Click here for abstract.
- Lesser MP, Morrow KM, Pankey MS (2019) N2 fixation, and the relative contribution of fixed N, in corals from Curaçao and Hawaii. Coral Reefs.:1-4. Click here for abstract.
- Lesser MP, Mueller B, Pankey MS, Macartney KJ, Slattery M, de Goeij JM (2019). Depth‐dependent detritus production in the sponge, Halisarca caerulea. Limnology and Oceanography. Click here for pdf.
- Lewis AM, Chan AN, LaJeunesse TC (2019) New species of closely related endosymbiotic dinoflagellates in the greater Caribbean have niches corresponding to host coral phylogeny. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66(3):469-82. Click here for pdf.
- Li MS, van der Zande R, Hernández-Agreda A, Bongaerts P, Stuart HS (2019) Gripper design with rotation-constrained teeth for mobile manipulation of hard, plating corals with human-portable ROVs. OCEANS Jun 17: 1-6. Click here for Abstract.
- Linden B, Vermeij MJA, Rinkevich B (2019) The coral settlement box: A simple device to produce coral stock from
brooded coral larvae entirely in situ. Ecological Engineering 132: 115-119. Click here for Abstract. - Mollica NR, Cohen AL, Alpert AE, Barkley HC, Brainard RE, Carilli JE, DeCarlo TM, Drenkard EJ, Lohmann P, Mangubhai S, Pietro KR. Skeletal records of bleaching reveal different thermal thresholds of Pacific coral reef assemblages. Coral Reefs. 2019:1-5. See here for pdf.
- Pinheiro HT, MacDonald C, Santos RG, Ali R, Bobat A, Cresswell BJ, Francini-Filho R, Freitas R, Galbraith GF, Musembi P, Phelps TA. Plastic pollution on the world’s coral reefs. Nature. 2023 Jul 13;619(7969):311-6. Click here for pdf.
- Rivera-Milán FR, Nava M, Simal F (2019) Green and hawksbill turtle abundance and population dynamics at foraging grounds in Bonaire and Klein Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Endangered Species Research. Click here for Abstract
- Silveira CB, Luque A, Roach TN, Villela H, Barno , Green K, Reyes B, Rubio-Portillo E, Le T, Mead S, Hatay M, Vermeij MJA, Takeshita Y, Haas A, Bailey B, Rohwer R (2019). Biophysical and physiological processes causing oxygen loss from coral reefs. eLife, 8, e49114. Click here for pdf.
- Sully, S., Burkepile, D. E., Donovan, M. K., Hodgson, G., & van Woesik, R. (2019). A global analysis of coral bleaching over the past two decades. Nature communications, 10(1), 1264. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Blischak PD, Daly M. Genomic signatures of sympatric speciation with historical and contemporary gene flow in a tropical anthozoan (Hexacorallia: Actiniaria). Molecular ecology. 2019 Jun 24. Click here for abstract.
- Vermeij MJA, Latijnhouwers KR, Dilrosun F, Chamberland VF, Dubé CE, Van Buurt G, Debrot AO (2019). Historical changes (1905-present) in catch size and composition reflect altering fisheries practices on a small Caribbean island. PloS one, 14(6), e0217589. Click here for pdf.
- Votýpka J, Kment P, Kriegová E, Vermeij MJA, Keeling PJ, Yurchenko V, Lukeš J. High prevalence and endemism of trypanosomatids on a small Caribbean island. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 2019 Jul;66(4):600-7. Click here for pdf.
- Wittman KJ, Wirtz P (2019) Revision of the amphiamerican genus Mysidium Dana, 1852 (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae), with descriptions of two new species and the establishment of two new subgenera. European Journal of Taxonomy, (495). Click here for abstract.
Scientific publications
- Behm J, Waite BR, Hsieh ST, Helmus MR. Benefits And Limitations Of Three-Dimensional Printing Technology For Ecological Research. bioRxiv. 2018 Jan 1:283895. Click here for pdf
- Behm JE, van Buurt G, DiMarco BM, Ellers J, Irian CG, Langhans KE, McGrath K, Tran TJ, Helmus MR. First records of the mourning gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris Duméril and Bibron, 1836), common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus in Duméril, 1836), and Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) on Curaçao, Dutch Antilles, and remarks on their Caribbean distributions. Click here for pdf.
- Benzoni F, Arrigoni R, Berumen Ml, Taviani M, Bongaerts P, Frade PR (2018) Morphological and genetic divergence between Mediterranean and Caribbean populations of Madracis pharensis (Heller 1868)(Scleractinia, Pocilloporidae): too much for one species?. Zootaxa 4471(3):473-92. Click here for abstract.
- Bos OG, Bakker PA, Henkens RJ, de Freitas JA, Debrot AO. Preliminary checklist of extant endemic species and subspecies of the windward Dutch Caribbean (St. Martin, St. Eustatius, Saba and the Saba Bank). Wageningen Marine Research; 2018 Oct 18. Click here for report
- Boyko CB, van Der Meij SE (2018) A trifecta of Swiftian symbioses: stony corals, gall crabs and their parasites (Scleractinia; Brachyura: Cryptochiridae; Isopoda: Epicaridea and Cirripedia: Rhizocephala). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Mar 14. Click here for pdf.
- Brocke HJ, Piltz B, Herz N, Abed RMM, Palinska KA, John U, den Haan J, Nugues MM (2018) Nitrogen fixation and diversity of benthic cyanobacterial mats on coral reefs in Curaçao. Coral Reefs: 1-14. Coral Reefs (2018). Click here for pdf.
- Caves EM, Green PA, Johnsen S (2018) Mutual visual signalling between the cleaner shrimp Ancylomenes pedersoni and its client fish. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2018 Jun 27;285(1881):20180800. Click here for pdf.
- Condor-Lujan B, Louzada T, Hajdu E, Klautau M. 2018. Morphological and molecular taxonomy of calcareous sponges (Porifera: Calcarea) from Curaçao, Caribbean Sea. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Click here for Abstract.
- de Bakker DM, Webb AE, van den Bogaart LA, van Heuven SM, Meesters EH, van Duyl FC (2018) Quantification of chemical and mechanical bioerosion rates of six Caribbean excavating sponge species found on the coral reefs of Curaçao. PloS one;13(5):e0197824. Click here for pdf.
- Engelen AH, Aires T, Vermeij MJA, Herndl GJ, Serrao EA, Frade PR (2018). Host differentiation and compartmentalization of microbial communities in the azooxanthelate cupcorals Tubastrea coccinea and Rhizopsammia goesi in the Caribbean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 391. Click here for pdf.
- Farfan G, Apprill A, Webb SM, Hansel CM (2018). Coupled X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy for microscale imaging and identification of sulfur species within tissues and skeletons of scleractinian corals. Analytical chemistry. Click here for abstract
- Fricke, A, Titlyanova TV, Teichberg M, Nugues MM, Bischof K. 2018). The Chlorophytes of Curaçao (Caribbean): a revised checklist for the south-west coast. Botanica Marina, 61(1), 33-46. Click here for Abstract.
- García-Hernández JE (2018) Antagonistic behavior between two honeycomb cowfish, Acanthostracion polygonius Poey, 1876, at Curaçao. Coral reefs 1:1. Click here for pdf.
- Hagedorn M, Page CA, ONeill K, Flores DM, Tichy L, Chamberland VF, Lager C, Zuchowicz N, Lohr K, Blackburn H, Vardi T. Successful demonstration of assisted gene flow in the threatened coral acropora palmata across genetically-isolated Caribbean populations using cryopreserved sperm. bioRxiv. 2018 Jan 1:492447. Click here for pdf
- Hartmann AC, Marhaver KL, Vermeij MJA (2018) Corals in healthy populations produce more larvae per unit cover. Conservation Letters. 2018 May;11(3):e12410. Click here for pdf.
- Horká I, De Grave S, Fransen CHJM, Petrusek A, Duris Z (2018) Multiple origins and strong phenotypic convergence in fish-cleaning palaemonid shrimp lineages. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. Click here for Abstract.
- Iglesias TL, Dornburg A, Warren DL, Wainwright PC, Schmitz L, Economo EP. Eyes Wide Shut: The impact of dim‐light vision on neural investment in marine teleosts. Journal of evolutionary biology. 2018 May 28. Click here for Abstract
- Kenny NJ, de Goeij JM, de Bakker DM, Whalen CG, Berezikov E, Riesgo A (2018) Towards the identification of ancestrally shared regenerative mechanisms across the Metazoa: A Transcriptomic case study in the Demosponge Halisarca caerulea. Marine genomics. 2018 Feb 1;37:135-47. Click here for pdf.
- Kushida Y, Reimer JD. Molecular phylogeny and diversity of sea pens (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Pennatulacea) with a focus on shallow water species of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. 2018 Nov 22. Click here for pdf
- Kwong WK, del Campo J, Mathur V, Vermeij MJA, Keeling PJ. A widespread coral-infecting apicomplexan contains a plastid encoding chlorophyll biosynthesis. bioRxiv. 2018 Jan 1:391565. Click here for pdf
- Ritger AL, Curtis AN, Chen CY (2018) Bioaccumulation of mercury and other metal contaminants in invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) from Curaçao. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 131, Part A: 38-44.
- Rivera-Milán FF, Simal F, Bertuol P, Boomer GS (2018). Population monitoring and modelling of yellow-shouldered parrot on Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Wildlife Biology, 2018, wlb-00384. Click here for pdf
- Ruttenberg B, Caselle JE, Estep AJ, Johnson AE, Marhaver KL, Richter LJ, Sandin SA, Vermeij MJA, Smith JE, Grenda D, Cannon A (2018) Ecological assessment of the marine ecosystems of Barbuda, West Indies: Using rapid scientific assessment to inform ocean zoning and fisheries management. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0189355. Click here for pdf.
- Silveira CB, Roach TN, Villela H, Barno A, Reyes B, Rubio-Portillo E, Le T, Mead S, Hatay M, Luque A, Wegley-Kelly L. Biophysical and physiological causes of coral reef microbialization. bioRxiv. 2018 Jan 1:495481. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Blischak PD, Daly M (2018). Genomic signatures of sympatric speciation with historical and contemporary gene flow in a tropical anthozoan. bioRxiv, 399360. Click here for pdf.
- Titus BM, Daly M. Reduced representation sequencing for symbiotic anthozoans: are reference genomes necessary to eliminate endosymbiont contamination and make robust phylogeographic inference?. bioRxiv. 2018 Jan 1:440289. Click here for pdf.
- van der Veer HW, Cardoso JF, Mateo I, Witte JI, van Duyl FC (2018) Occurrence and life history characteristics of tropical flatfishes at the coral reefs of Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Journal of Sea Research. 2018 Sep 21. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2018.09.010. Click here for pdf
- van Dijk KJ, Bricker E, van Tussenbroek BI, Waycott M (2018) Range‐wide population genetic structure of the Caribbean marine angiosperm Thalassia testudinum. Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–14. Click for pdf.
- Votýpka J, Kment P, Kriegová E, Vermeij MJA, Keeling PJ, Yurchenko V, Lukeš J (2018) High Prevalence and Endemism of Trypanosomatids on a Small Caribbean Island. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Click here for pdf.
Scientific publications
- Andradi-Brown DA, Vermeij MJA, Slattery M, Lesser M, Bejarano I, Appeldoorn R, Goodbody-Gringley G, Chequer AD, Pitt JM, Eddy C, Smith SR. 2017. Large-scale invasion of western Atlantic mesophotic reefs by lionfish potentially undermines culling-based management. Biological Invasions.:1-6. Click here for article
- Böhm T, Hoeksema BW. Habitat selection of the coral-dwelling spinyhead blenny, Acanthemblemaria spinosa, at Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity. 2017 Mar 1;47(1):17-25. Click here for abstract.
- de Bakker DM, van Duyl FC, Bak RPM, Nugues MM, Nieuwland G, Meesters (2017) 40 Years of benthic community change on the Caribbean reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise of slimy cyanobacterial mats. Coral Reefs, pp.1-13. Click here for pdf
- Chamberland VF, Snowden S, Marhaver KL, Petersen D, Vermeij MJA (2017) The reproductive biology and early life ecology of a common Caribbean brain coral, Diploria labyrinthiformis (Scleractinia: Faviinae). Coral Reefs.:1-2. Click here for pdf
- Chamberland VF, Latijnhouwers KR, Huisman J, Hartmann AC, Vermeij MJA. Costs and benefits of maternally inherited algal symbionts in coral larvae. InProc. R. Soc. B 2017 Jun 28 (Vol. 284, No. 1857, p. 20170852). The Royal Society. Click here for pdf.
- Chamberland VF, Petersen D, Guest JR, Petersen U, Brittsan M, Vermeij MJA (2017) New seeding approach reduces costs and time to outplant sexually propagated corals for reef restoration. Scientific reports 7(1):18076. Click here for pdf.
- Dube CE, Mercière A, Vermeij MJA,Planes S (2017) Population structure of thehydrocoral Millepora platyphylla in habitats experiencing different flow regimes in Moorea, French Polynesia. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0173513. Click here for pdf
- García-Hernández JE, Hoeksema BW. Sponges as secondary hosts for Christmas tree worms at Curaçao. Coral Reefs.:1-.
- Glasl B, Bongaerts P, Elisabeth NH, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Herndl GJ, Frade PR (2017) Microbiome variation in corals with distinct depth distribution ranges across a shallow–mesophotic gradient (15–85 m). Coral Reefs:1-6. Click here for pdf
- Griffith MP, De Freitas J, Barros M, Niblick LR (2017) Sabal antillensis (Arecaceae): A New Palmetto Species from the Leeward Antilles. Phytotaxa. 303(1); 56–64. Click here for pdf
- Hartmann AC, Petras D, Quinn RA, Protsyuk I, Archer FI, Ransome E, Williams GJ, Bailey BA, Vermeij MJA, Alexandrov T, Dorrestein PC (2017) Meta-mass shift chemical profiling of metabolomes from coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017 Oct 12:201710248. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Fransen CH (2017) Host switch by the Caribbean anemone shrimp Periclimenes rathbunae in Curaçao. Coral Reefs: 1. Click here for pdf
- Hoeksema BW, Bongaerts P, Baldwin CC (2017 ) High coral cover at lower mesophotic depths: a dense Agaricia community at the leeward side of Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47(1):67-70.
- Hoeksema BW, Harry A (2017) The invasive sun coral Tubastraea coccinea hosting a native Christmas tree worm at Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47(1):59-65.
- Hoeksema BW, Reimer JD, Vonk R. biodiversity of Caribbean coral reefs (with a focus on the Dutch Caribbean). Marine Biodiversity 47: 1-10. Click here for Abstract
- Hovestadt A, van Leeuwen S (2017) Terrestrial molluscs of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao in the Dutch Caribbean: an updated checklist and guide to identification. Vita Malacologica 16: 1-39. Click here for Abstract.
- Kenny NJ, de Goeij JM, de Bakker DM, Whalen CG, Berezikov E, Riesgo A. Ancestrally Shared Regenerative Mechanisms Across the Metazoa: A Transcriptomic Case Study in the Demosponge Halisarca caerulea. Marine Genomics 37: 135-147. Click here for a pdf.
- Lamb, A.D., Watkins-Colwell, G.J., Moore, J.A., Warren, D.L., Iglesias, T.L., Brandley, M.C. and Dornburg, A., 2017. Endolymphatic Sac Use and Reproductive Activity in the Lesser Antilles Endemic Gecko Gonatodes antillensis (Gekkota: Sphaerodactylidae). Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 58(1), pp.17-29. Click here for pdf.
- Losos DN, Weaver JB, Fies TW, Herrel A, Fabre AC, Losos JB. The Curious Case of the Left-Sided Dewlap: Directional Asymmetry In the Curaçao Anole, Anolis lineatus. Breviora. 2017 May 26;553(1):1-7. Click here for pdf.
- Mueller B (2017) First documentation of encrusting specimen of Cliona delitrix on Curaçao: a cause for concern? Marine Biodiversity Records 10: 10. Click here for pdf.
- Mueller B, Meesters EH, van Duyl FC (2017). DOC concentrations across a depth-dependent light gradient on a Caribbean coral reef. PeerJ, 5, e3456. Click here for pdf.
- Nagelkerken I, Huebert KB, Serafy JE, Grol MG, Dorenbosch M, Bradshaw CJ. Highly localized replenishment of coral reef fish populations near nursery habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2017 Mar 24;568:137-50. Click here for pdf.
- Naman CB, Leber CA, Gerwick WH (2017) Modern natural products drug discovery and its relevance to biodiversity conservation. Microbial Resources: 103-120. Click here for pdf.
- Potkamp G, Vermeij MJA, Hoeksema BW (2016) Host-dependent variation in density of corallivorous snails (Coralliophila spp.) at Curaçao, southern Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity:1-9. Click here for pdf
- Potkamp G, Vermeij MJ, Hoeksema BW. Genetic and morphological variation in corallivorous snails (Coralliophila spp.) living on different host corals at Curaçao, southern Caribbean. Contributions to Zoology. 2017;86(2):111-44. Click here for pdf.
- Reijnen BT, van der Meij SET (2017) Coat of many colours—DNA reveals polymorphism of mantle patterns and colouration in Caribbean Cyphoma Röding, 1798 (Gastropoda, Ovulidae). PeerJ 5:e3018. Click here for pdf
- Rippe JP, Matz MV, Green EA, Medina M, Khawaja NZ, Pongwarin T, Pinzón C, Jorge H, Castillo KD, Davies SW (2017) Population structure and connectivity of the mountainous star coral, Orbicella faveolata, throughout the wider Caribbean region. Ecology and Evolution. 2017 Oct. Click here for pdf.
- Salcedo-Sanz S, Muñoz-Bulnes J, Vermeij MJA (2017) New coral reefs-based approaches for the model type selection problem: a novel method to predict a nation’s future energy demand. International Journal of Bio-inspired Computation 10(3):145-58.
- Sumrall JB, Larson EB, Mylroie JE (2017) Very high magnesium calcite formation and microbial communities found in porosity of the Seroe Domi Formation of Curacao, Netherland Antilles. Carbonates and Evaporites: 1-11.
- Titus BM, Vondriska C, Daly M (2017). Comparative behavioural observations demonstrate the ‘cleaner’shrimp Periclimenes yucatanicus engages in true symbiotic cleaning interactions. Open Science, 4(4), 170078. Click here for pdf.
- Tienderen KM, van der Meij SE (2017) Extreme mitochondrial variation in the Atlantic gall crab Opecarcinus hypostegus (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae) reveals adaptive genetic divergence over Agaricia coral hosts. Scientific Reports:7. Click here for pdf
- Ward-Paige CA, Worm B (2017) Global evaluation of shark sanctuaries, Global Environmental Change 47: 174-189. Click here for pdf.
- Henkens RJHG, Debrot AO, de Freitas JA (2017) Tropisch nevel- en regenwoud. Pp. 24-31. In: Debrot AO, Henkens RJGH, Verweij PJFM (eds.): Staat van de natuur van Caribisch Nederland 2017. Wageningen Marine Research (University & Research Centre) Report C086/17: 214 pp.
- Henkens RJHG, Debrot AO, de Freitas JA (2017) Droge tropische bossen Pp. 32-38. In: Debrot AO, Henkens RJGH, Verweij PJFM (eds.): Staat van de natuur van Caribisch Nederland 2017. Wageningen Marine Research (University & Research Centre) Report C086/17: 214 pp.
- Debrot AO, de Freitas JA, Henkens RJHG (2017) Plantensoorten (Bonaire) Pp. 99-104. In: Debrot AO, Henkens RJGH, Verweij PJFM (eds.): Staat van de natuur van Caribisch Nederland 2017. Wageningen Marine Research (University & Research Centre) Report C086/17: 214 pp.
Scientific publications
Barnes DKA, Neutel AM (2016) Severity of seabed spatial competition decreases towards the poles. Current Biology 26.8 (2016): R317-R318. Click for Abstract
- Bernal MA, Floeter SR, Gaither MR, Longo GO, Morais R, Ferreira CE, Vermeij MJ, Rocha LA. High prevalence of dermal parasites among coral reef fishes of Curaçao. Marine Biodiversity. 2016 Mar 1;46(1):67-74. Click here for pdf
- Böhm T, Hoeksema BW. Habitat selection of the coral-dwelling spinyhead blenny, Acanthemblemaria spinosa. Marine Biodiversity:1-9. Click here for pdf
- Brinkmann BW, Fransen CH (2016) Identification of a new stony coral host for the anemone shrimp Periclimenes rathbunae Schmitt, 1924 with notes on the host–use pattern. Contrib Zool. 85:437-56. Click here for pdf
- Chamberland VF, Petersen D, Latijnhouwers K, Snowden S, Mueller B, Vermeij MJA (2016) Four-year-old Caribbean Acropora colonies reared from field-collected gametes are sexually mature.Bulletin of Marine Science 92: 263-264. Click here for pdf
- Condor-Lujan B, Klautau M. Nicola gen. nov. with redescription of Nicola tetela (Borojevic & Peixinho, 1976)(Porifera: Calcarea: Calcinea: Clathrinida). Zootaxa. 2016 Apr 13;4103(3):230-8.
- Cummings SL, Barbé D, Leao TF, Korobeynikov A, Engene N, Glukhov E, Gerwick WH, Gerwick L (2016) A novel uncultured heterotrophic bacterial associate of the cyanobacterium Moorea producens JHB. BMC microbiology 16(1):198. Click here for abstract
- De Bakker DM, Meesters EH, Bak RPM, Nieuwland G, van Duyl FC (2016) Long-term shifts in coral communities on shallow to deep reef Slopes of Curaçao and Bonaire: Are there any winners? Frontiers in Marine Science 3: 24. Click here for pdf
- de Freitas J, Rojer AC, Nijhof BS, Debrot AO (2016) A landscape ecological vegetation map of Saba (Lesser Antilles). IMARES. Click here for pdf
- Dornburg A, Lippi C, Federman S, Moore JA, Warren DL, Iglesias TL, Brandley MC, Watkins-Colwell GJ, Lamb AD, Jones A (2016) Disentangling the influence of urbanization and invasion on endemic geckos in tropical biodiversity hot spots: a case study of Phyllodactylus martini (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) along an Urban Gradient in Curaçao. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 57(2):147-64. Click here for pdf
- Frade PR, Roll K, Bergauer K, Herndl GJ (2016) Archaeal and bacterial communities associated with the surface mucus of caribbean corals differ in their degree of host specificity and community turnover over reefs. PloS one, 11(1). Click here for pdf.
- Frade PR, Schwaninger V, Glasl B, Sintes E, Hill RW, Simó R, Herndl GJ (2016) Dimethylsulfoniopropionate in corals and its interrelations with bacterial assemblages in coral surface mucus. Environmental Chemistry 13(2):252-65. Click here for pdf
Glasl B, Herndl GJ, Frade PR (2016) The microbiome of coral surface mucus has a key role in mediating holobiont health and survival upon disturbance. The ISME journal (2016). Click here for pdf
- Hoeksema BW, Bongaerts P, Baldwin CC (2016) High coral cover at lower mesophotic depths: a dense Agaricia community at the leeward side of Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity. Click here for pdf.
- Hoeksema BW, Hove HA (2016) The invasive sun coral Tubastraea coccinea hosting a native Christmas tree worm at Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity, 1-7. Click for pdf.
- Knowles B, Silveira CB, Bailey BA, Barott K, Brainard R, Cantu A, Cobián- Güemes AG, Coutinho FH, Dinsdale E, Felts B, Furby KA, George EE, Green KT, Gregoracci G, Haas AF, Haggerty JM, Hester ER, Hisakawa NG, Kelly LW, Lim YW, Little M, Luque A, McDole-Somera T, McNair K, Quistad SD, Robinett NL, Sala E, Salamon P, Sanchez SE, Sandin S, Silva GGZ, Smith J, Sullivan C, Thompson C, Vermeij MJA, Youle M, Young C, Zgliczynski B, Edwards RA, Nulton J, Thompson F, Rohwer F (2016) Piggyback-the-Winner: Lytic to Temperate Switching of Viral Communities. Nature 531 (7595): 466-470. Click for pdf.
- Lillis A, Bohnenstiehl D, Peters JW, Eggleston D (2016) Variation in habitat soundscape characteristics influences settlement of a reef-building coral. PeerJ. ;4:e2557. Click here for pdf
- Miller M, Williams DE, Huntington BE, Piniak GA, Vermeij MJA (2016) Decadal comparison of a diminishing coral community: a case study using demographics to advance inferences of community status. PeerJ 4:e1643. Click here for pdf
- Mueller B, den Haan J, Visser PM, Vermeij MJA. van Duyl FC (2016) Effect of light and nutrient availability on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by Caribbean turf algae. Scientific Reports, 6. Click here for pdf.
- Quinn RA, Vermeij MJA, Hartmann AC, d’Auriac IG, Benler S, Haas A, Quistad SD, Lim YW, Little M, Zgliczynski B, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Dorrestein P, Rohwer F (2016) Metabolomics of reef benthic interactions reveals a bioactive lipid involved in coral defence. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283. No. 1829. Click here for pdf.
- Rogers A, Lorenzen K. Does slow and variable recovery of Diadema antillarum on Caribbean fore-reefs reflect density-dependent habitat selection?. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2016 May 2;3:63. Click here for pdf
- Salcedo-Sanz S, Cuadra L, Vermeij MJA (2016) A review of computational intelligence techniques in coral reefs-related applications. Ecological Informatics 32: 107-123. Click here for pdf
- Steingrover R, Illidge S, Martina C, Virginia-Cova L, Vermeij MJA (2016) Detection and Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance in Coliform Bacteria in Caribbean Coastal Water. Open Forum Infectious Diseases Vol. 3, No. suppl 1, p. 704. Oxford University Press. Click here for pdf
- Sumrall JB, Larson EB, Mylroie JE. Dolomite caves within the Seroe Domi Formation on Curacao, Netherland Antilles. Acta Carsologica. 2016 Jul 7;45(1). Click here for pdf
- Swierts T, Vermeij MJA (2016). Competitive interactions between corals and turf algae depend on coral colony form. PeerJ 4: e1984. Click here for pdf.
- van der Meij SET, Nieman AM (2016) Old and new DNA unweave the phylogenetic position of the eastern Atlantic gall crab Detocarcinus balssi (Monod,)(Decapoda: Cryptochiridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (2016). Click for Abstract
- 2016) Occurrence patterns of coral-dwelling gall crabs (Cryptochiridae) over depth intervals in the Caribbean. PeerJ 4:e1794. Click here for pdf. (
- Wells JV, Wells AC. The significance of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, as a breeding site for terns and plovers (2016) Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 19(1):21-6. Click here for pdf
- Tijdens, M.E. 2016. Phenological patterns of indigenous tree species in three different geological settings on Curaçao. Carmabi & Wageningen UR Report. 76 pp.
Scientific publications
Alexander BE, Achlatis M, Osinga R, van der Geest HG, Cleutjens JP, Schutte B, de Goeij JM (2015) Cell kinetics during regeneration in the sponge Halisarca caerulea: how local is the response to tissue damage?. PeerJ, 3, e820. Click here for pdf
Bernal MA, Floeter SR, Gaither MR, Longo GO, Morais R, Ferreira CEL, Vermeij MJA, Rocha LA (in press) High prevalence of dermal parasites among coral reef fishes of Curacao. Marine Biodiversity.
- Bongaerts P, Carmichael M, Hay KB, Tonk L, Frade PR, Hoegh-Guldberg O.(2015) Prevalent endosymbiont zonation shapes the depth distributions of scleractinian coral species. R. Soc. open sci. 2: 140297. Click here for pdf
- Bongaerts P, Frade PR, Hay KB, Englebert N, Latijnhouwers KRW, Bak RPM, Vermeij MJA, Hoegh-Guldberg, O (2015) Deep down on a Caribbean reef: lower mesophotic depths harbor a specialized coral-endosymbiont community. Scientific reports 5 (2015). Click here for pdf.
- Brocke HJ, Polerecky L, de Beer D, Weber M, Claudet J, Nugues MM (2015) Organic matter degradation drives benthic cyanobacterial mat abundance on Caribbean coral reefs. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0125445. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125445. Click here for pdf
- Brocke HJ, Wenzhoefer F, De Beer D, Mueller B, Van Duyl FC, Nugues MM (2015) High dissolved organic carbon release by benthic cyanobacterial mats in a Caribbean reef ecosystem. Scientific reports: 5. Click here for a pdf
Chaves‐Fonnegra A, Feldheim KA, Secord J, Lopez JV (2015) Population structure and dispersal of the coral‐excavating sponge Cliona delitrix. Molecular ecology 24(7): 1447-1466. Click here for abstract
- De Bakker DM, Meesters EH, Bak RPM, Nieuwland G, van Duyl FC (2016) Long-term shifts in coral communities on shallow to deep reef Slopes of Curaçao and Bonaire: Are there any winners? Frontiers in Marine Science 3: 247. Click here for pdf
- Dornburg A, Moore J, Beaulieu JM, Eytan RI, Near TJ (2015) The impact of shifts in marine biodiversity hotspots on patterns of range evolution: evidence from the Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes). Evolution 69 (1), 146-161
- Engene N, Tronholm A, Salvador‐Reyes LA, Luesch H, Paul VJ (2015) Caldora penicillata gen. nov., comb. nov.(Cyanobacteria), a pantropical marine species with biomedical relevance. Journal of Phycology (online first). Click here for pdf
- Eytan RI, Evans BR, Dornburg A, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM, Wainwright PC, Near TJ (2015) Are 100 enough? Inferring acanthomorph teleost phylogeny using Anchored Hybrid Enrichment. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15 (1), 113
- Garg N, Kapono CA, Lim YW, Koyama N, Vermeij MJA, Conrad D,Rohwer F, Dorrestein PC (2015). Mass spectral similarity for untargeted metabolomics data analysis of complex mixtures. International journal of mass spectrometry 377: 719-727. Click here for pdf
- Granados-Cifuentes C, Neigel J, Leberg P, Rodriguez-Lanetty, M (2015, online first) Genetic diversity of free-living Symbiodinium in the Caribbean: the importance of habitats and seasons. Coral Reefs: 1-13. Click here for abstract
- Hofmann LC, Bischof K, Baggini C, Johnson A, Koop-Jakobse K, Teichberg M (2015) CO2 and inorganic nutrient enrichment affect the performance of a calcifying green alga and its noncalcifying epiphyte. Oecologia 177: 1157-1169. Click here for abstract
- Iglesias TL, Dornburg A, Brandley MC, Alfaro ME, Warren DL (2015) Life in the unthinking depths: energetic constraints on encephalization in marine fishes. Journal of evolutionary biology (online first). Click here for abstract.
- Kambesis PN, Mylroie JR, Mylroie JE, Larson EB, Owen-Nagel AM, Sumrall JB (2015) Influence of karst denudation on the northwest coast of Curaçao, in Glumac, B and Savarese, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions, p. 200-212
- 2015) Indirect effects of overfishing on Caribbean reefs: sponges overgrow reef-building corals. PeerJ 3:e901 Click here for pdf (
- Marhaver KL, Vermeij MJA, Medina MM (2015) Reproductive natural history and successful juvenile propagation of the threatened Caribbean Pillar Coral Dendrogyra cylindrus. BMC ecology, 15(1): 9. Click here for pdf.
- Quéré G, Nugues MM (2015) Coralline algae disease reduces survival and settlement success of coral planulae in laboratory experiments. Coral Reefs : 1-8. Click here for abstract
- Quéré G, Steneck RS, Nugues MM (2015) Spatiotemporal and species-specific patterns of diseases affecting crustose coralline algae in Curaçao. Coral Reefs 34: 259-273. Click here for abstract
- Richards VP, DeBiasse MB, Shivji MS (2015) Genetic evidence supports larval retention in the Western Caribbean for an invertebrate with high dispersal capability (Ophiothrix suensonii: Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea). Coral Reefs 34: 313-325. Click here for abstract
- Simal F, de Lannoy C, García-Smith L, Doest O, de Freitas JA, Franken F,Zaandam D, Nassar JM (2015). Island–island and island–mainland movements of the Curaçaoan long-nosed bat, Leptonycteris curasoae. Journal of Mammalogy 96: 579-590. Click here for abstract
- Van der Meij SE, Van Tienderen KM, Hoeksema BW (2015) A mesophotic record of the gall crab Opecarcinus hypostegus from a Curaçaoan reef. Bulletin of marine science 91(2): 205-206. Click here for pdf
- Vermeij MJA, Debey H, Grimsditch G, Brown J, Obura D, DeLeon R, Sandin SA. (2015) The negative effect of gardening damselfish (Stegastes planifrons) on coral health depends on predator abundance in a Caribbean MPA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 528: 289-295. Click here for abstract
- Williams, SM, Mumby PJ, Chollett I, Cortés J (2015) Importance of differentiating *Orbicella* reefs from gorgonian plains for ecological ssessments of Caribbean reefs. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 530:93-101
- Williams SM, Chollett I, Roff G, Cortés J, Dryden CS Mumby PJ (2015) Hierarchical spatial patterns in Caribbean reef benthic assemblages. Journal of Biogeography, 42: 1327–1335. doi: 10.1111/jbi.12509. Click here for abstract
Scientific publications
- Alexander BE, Liebrand K, Osinga R, van der Geest HG, Admiraal W, et al. (2014) Cell turnover and detritus production in marine sponges from tropical and temperate benthic ecosystems. PLoS ONE 9(10): e109486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109486. Click here for pdf
- Atherton S, Hochberg R (2014) The evolution of the reproductive system of Urodasys (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida). Invertebrate Biology. online first. Click here for Abstract.
- Debrot AO, Vinke E, van der Wende G, Hylkema A, Reed JR (2014) Deepwater marine litter densities and composition from submersible video-transects around the ABC-islands, Dutch Caribbean. Mar. Pollut. Bull. Online first. Click here for Abstract.
- Debrot AO, de Leon R, Esteban N, Meesters HGW Meesters (2013*) Observations on the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the Dutch Caribbean. Caribbean Journal of Science 47, no. 2-3 : 344-349. Click here for pdf.
- Debrot AO, Esteban N, Bervoets T, Hoetjes PC, Scheidat M. (2013*) Marine mammals of the north-eastern Caribbean Windward Dutch Islands: Saba, St Eustatius, St Maarten, and the Saba Bank. Caribbean Journal of Science, 47(2-3), 159-172. Click here for pdf.
- Den Haan J, Visser PM, Ganase AE, Gooren EE, Stal LJ, van Duyl FC, Vermeij MJA, Huisman J (in press) High nitrogen fixation rates by cyanobacteria in algal turf communities on a Caribbean coral reef. Coral reefs
- Ertz D, Tehler A, Irestedt M, Frisch A, Thor G, van den Boom P (2014) A large-scale phylogenetic revision of Roccellaceae (Arthoniales) reveals eight new genera. Fungal Diversity, 1-23. Click here for pdf.
- Fricke, A., Teichberg, M., Nugues, M. M., Beilfuss, S., Bischof, K. (2014). Effects of depth and ultraviolet radiation on coral reef turf algae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461, 73-84. Click here for abstract.
- Garg N, Kapono C, Lim YW, Koyama N, Conrad D, Rohwer F, Vermeij MJA, Dorrestein PC (2014) Mass spectral similarity for untargeted metabolomics data analysis of complex mixtures. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. Click here for abstract.
- Grol MG, Rypel AL, Nagelkerken I (2014). Growth potential and predation risk drive ontogenetic shifts among nursery habitats in a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 502, 229-244. Click here for pdf.
- Quéré G, Steneck RS, NuguesMM (2014) Spatiotemporal and species-specific patterns of diseases affecting crustose coralline algae in Curaçao. Coral Reefs, 1-15. Click here for Abstract.
- Gust KA, Najar FZ, Habib T, Lotufo GR, Piggot AM, Fouke BW, … & Perkins EJ (2014) Coral-zooxanthellae meta-transcriptomics reveals integrated response to pollutant stress. BMC genomics, 15(1), 591. Click here for pdf
- Kelly LW, Williams GJ, Barott KL, Carlson CA, Dinsdale EA, Edwards RA, Haas AF, Haynes M, Lim YW, McDole T, Nelson CE, Sala E, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Vermeij MJA, Youle M, Rohwer F (2014) Local genomic adaptation of coral reef-associated microbiomes to gradients of natural variability and anthropogenic stressors.doi:10.1073/pnas.1403319111 . Click here for the Abstract
- Lim YW, Cuevas D, Silva GGZ, Aguinaldo K, Dinsdale E, Haas A, Hatay M, Sanchez S, Wegley L, Dutilh B, Harkins T, Lee C, Warren T, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Zgliczynski B, Vermeij MJA, Rohwer F, Edwards RA. (2014) Sequencing At Sea: Challenges and Experiences in Ion Torrent PGM Sequencing during the 2013 Southern Line Islands Research Expedition. PeerJ. Click here for pdf.
- Mueller B, van der Zande RM, van Leent PJM, Meesters EH, Vermeij MJA, van Duyl FC (2014) Effect of light availability on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release by Caribbean reef algae and corals. Bull Mar Sci. Bulletin of Marine Science. Click here for abstract.
- Mueller B, de Goeij JM., Vermeij MJA, Mulders Y, van der Ent E, Ribes M, van Duyl FC (2014) Natural diet of coral-excavating sponges consists mainly of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). PloS one, 9(2), e90152. Click here for pdf.
- Prada C, McIlroy SE, Beltrán DM, Valint DJ, Ford SA., Hellberg ME, Coffroth MA (2014). Cryptic diversity hides host and habitat specialization In a gorgonian‐algal symbiosis. Molecular ecology. Click here for abstract.
- Richards VP, DeBiasse MB, Shivji MS (2014) Genetic evidence supports larval retention in the Western Caribbean for an invertebrate with high dispersal capability (Ophiothrix suensonii: Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea). Coral Reefs: 1-13. Click here for Abstract
- Sivaguru M, Fried GA, Miller CAH, Fouke BW (2014) Multimodal Optical Microscopy Methods reveal polyp tissue morphology and structure in Caribbean reef building corals. J. Vis. Exp. (91), e51824, doi:10.3791/51824. Click here for Abstract
- Taylor MS, Stahl-Timmins W, Redshaw CH, Osborne NJ (2014). Toxic alkaloids in Lyngbya majuscula and related tropical marine cyanobacteria. Harmful Algae, 31, 1-8. Click here for abstract.
- Van der Meij SET (2014) Host species, range extensions, and an observation of the mating system of Atlantic shallow-water gall crabs (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae). Bull Mar Sci. 90(4):000–000 (online first) click here for pdf.
- Willette, D.A., J. Chalifour, A.O Debrot, W.J. Miller, H. Oxenford, S.C.C. Steiner, F. Védie (in press) Continued expansion of the globally invasive marine angiosperm Halophila stipulacea in the Eastern Caribbean. Aquatic Botany. Click here for abstract.
- Wolf A, Nugues MM, Wild C (2014) Distribution, food preference, and trophic position of the corallivorous fireworm Hermodice carunculata in a Caribbean coral reef. Coral Reefs: 1-11.
*) delayed publication
Scientific reports
- Smith SR, van der Burg WJ, Debrot AO, van Buurt G, de Freietas JA (2014) Key elements towards a joint invasive alien species strategy for the Dutch
Caribbean. Imares report C020/14 PRI report number 550. Click here for a pdf.
Scientific publications
- Ahrens JB, Borda E, Barroso R, Paiva PC, Campell AM, Wolf A, Nugues MM, Rouse GW, Schulze A (2013). The curious case of Hermodice carunculata (Annelida: Amphinomidae): evidence for genetic homogeneity throughout the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent basins. Mol. Ecol. 22: 2280–2291. Click here for pdf.
- Biggs BC (2013) Harnessing natural recovery processes to improve restoration outcomes: An experimental assessment of sponge-mediated coral reef restoration. PLoS ONE 8(6): e64945. Click here for pdf.
- Bongaerts P, Frade PR, Ogier JJ, Hay KB, van Bleijswijk J, Englebert N, Vermeij MJA, Bak RPM, Visser PM, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2013) Sharing the slope: depth partitioning of agariciid corals and associated Symbiodinium across shallow and mesophotic habitats (2-60 m) on a Caribbean reef. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:205.
- de Freitas JA, Rojer AC (2013) New plant records for Bonaire and the Dutch Caribbean islands. Caribbean Journal of Science 47: 114-117.
- de Goeij J, van Oevelen D, Vermeij MJA, Osinga R, Middelburg J, de Goeij A, Admiraal W (2013) The sponge loop retains energy and nutrients within coral reefs. Science 342:108-110.
- De Leon R, Vane K, Bertuol P, Chamberland VC, Simal F, Imms E, Vermeij MJA (2013) The effectiveness of lionfish removal efforts in the Southern Caribbean. Endangered Species Research 22: 175–182.
- Engene N, Gunasekera SP, Gerwick WH, Paul VJ (2013) Phylogenetic inferences reveal a large extent of novel biodiversity in chemically rich tropical marine cyanobacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79(6): 1882.
- Filatov MV, Frade PR, Bak RPM, Vermeij MJA, Kaandorp JA (2013) Comparison between colony morphology and molecular phylogeny in the Caribbean scleractinian coral genus Madracis. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71287.
- Foster NL, Baums IB, Sanchez JA, Paris CB, Chollett I, et al. (2013) Hurricane-driven patterns of clonality in an ecosystem engineer: The Caribbean coral Montastraea annularis. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53283. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053283 Click here for a pdf
- Fricke A, Titlyanova TV, Nugues MM, Bischof K (2013). Neosiphonia howei (Ceramiales: Rhodomelaceae)—a common epiphyte of the spreading coral reef alga Lobophora variegata (Dictyotales: Dictyotaceae). Marine Biodiversity Records 6: 6 2013e3. Click here for the Abstract
- Gregg AK, Hatay M, Haas AF, Robinett N, Barott K, Vermeij MJA, Marhaver K, Thompson F, Meirelles P, Rohwer F (2013) Biological oxygen demand optode analysis of coral reef-associated microbial communities exposed to algal exudates PeerJ 1:e107. Click here for the pdf.
- Haan Jd, Huisman J, Dekker F, ten Brinke JL, Ford AK, et al. (2013) Fast detection of nutrient limitation in macroalgae and seagrass with nutrient-induced fluorescence. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68834. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068834 Click here for pdf
- Hartmann AC, Marhaver KL, Chamberland VF, Sandin SA, Vermeij MJA (in press) Large birth size does not reduce the negative latent effects of harsh environmental conditions across early life stages. Ecology. Click here for the Abstract.
- Huijbers, C., I. Nagelkerken, A. Debrot and E. Jongejans (2013) Movement across ecosystem boundaries: source-sink population dynamics of a coral reef fish. Ecology 94: 1859-1870.
- Marhaver, K.L., Vermeij, M.J.A., Rohwer, F. Sandin, S.A. (2013) Janzen-Connell effects in a broadcast-spawning Caribbean coral: Distance dependent survival of larvae and settlers. Ecology 94:146-160. Click here for the AbstractSmith JE, Price NN, Nelson CE, Haas AF (2013) Coupled changes in oxygen concentration and pH caused by metabolism of benthic coral reef organisms.Mar. Biol.DOI 10.1007/s00227-013-2239-z. Click here for Abstract.
- Stephen CL, Reynoso VH, Collett WS, Hasbun CR, Breinholt JW (2013) Geographical structure and cryptic lineages within common green iguanas, Iguana iguana.Journal of Biogeography 40: 50–62.
- Vermeij MJA, van der Heijden RA, Olthuis JG, Marhaver KL, Smith JE, Visser PM (2013) Survival and dispersal of turf algae and macroalgae consumed by herbivorous coral reef fishes. Oecologia 171: 417-425. Click here for a pdf
- Vermeij MJA, Frade PR, Bak RPM (2013) Zooxanthellae presence acts as a settlement cue for aposymbiotic planulae of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. Caribbean Journal of Science 47: 31-36.
- Wolf AT, Nugues MM (2013) Predation on coral settlers by the corallivorous fireworm Hermodice carunculata. Coral Reefs 32:227–231. Click here for the Abstract
- Wolf AT, Nugues MM (2013) Synergistic effects of algal overgrowth and corallivory on Caribbean reef-building corals. Ecology, 94(8), 1667-1674.
Scientific publications
- Barott KL, Williams GJ, Vermeij MJA, Harris J, Smith JE, Rohwer FL, Sandin SA (2012) Natural history of coral-algae competition across a gradient of human activity in the Line Islands. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 460: 1–12. (Feature article) Click here for a pdf
- Barott KL, Rodriguez-Brito B, Youle M, Marhaver KL, Vermeij MJA, Smith JE, Rohwer FL (2012) Microbial to reef scale interactions between the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis and benthic algae. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 279: 1655−1664 Click here for Abstract
- Dornburg A, Moore JA, Webster R, Warren DL, Brandley MC, Iglesias TL, Wainwright PC, Neara TJ (2012) Molecular phylogenetics of squirrelfishes and soldierfishes (Teleostei: Beryciformes: Holocentridae): Reconciling more than 100 years of taxonomic confusion. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Available online 2 August 2012. Click here for Abstract.
- Davies SW, Rahman M, Meyer E, Green EA, Buschiazzo E, Medina M, Matz MV (2012) Novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for population genetics of the endangered Caribbean star coral, Montastraea faveolata. Marine Biodiversity. DOI 10.1007/s12526-012-0133-4
- De León R, Vane K, Vermeij MJA, Bertuol P, Simal F (2012) Overfishing Works: A comparison of the effectiveness of lionfish control efforts between Bonaire and Curaçao. Proceedings of the 64th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute,Puerto Morelos, Mexico.
- Eytan RI, Hastings PA, Holland BR, Hellberg ME (2012) Reconciling molecules and morphology: Molecular systematics and biogeography of Neotropical blennies (Acanthemblemaria) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62 (1), 159-173
- Meesters EH, Mueller B, Nugues MM (2012) Caribbean free-living coral species co-occurring deep off the windward coast of Curacao. Coral Reefs DOI 10.1007/s00338-012-0960-6
- Near TJ, Eytan RI, Dornburg A, Kuhn KL, Moore JA, Davis MP, Wainwright PC, Friedman M, Smith WL (2012) Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (34), 13698-13703
- Wolf AT, Nugues MM (2012) Predation on coral settlers by the corallivorous fireworm Hermodice carunculata. Coral Reefs. DOI 10.1007/s00338-012-0969-x
- Foster, N.L. Paris, C.B., Kool, J.T., Baums, I.B., Stevens, J.R., Sanchez, S.A., Bastidas, C., Agudelo, C., Bush, P., Day, O., Ferrari, R., Gonzalez, P., Gore, S., Guppy, R., McCartney, M., McCoy, C., Mendes, J., Srinivasan, A., Steiner, S., Vermeij, M.J.A., Weil, E., Mumby P.J. (2012) Connectivity of Caribbean coral populations: complementary insights from empirical and modelled gene flow. Molecular Ecology 5: 1143–1157. Click here for Abstract
- Kambesis, P. N., Mylroie, J. R., Mylroie, J. E., Larson, E. B., Owen-Nagel, A. M., Sumrall, J. B., and Lace, M. J., 2012 (abstract), Influence of karst denudation on the northwest coast of Curacao. 16th Symposium on the geology of the Bahamas and other carbonate regions program, Gerace Research Centre, p.34.
- Muhs DR, Pandolfi JM, Simmons KR, Schumann RR (2012) Sea-level history of past interglacial periods from uranium-series dating of corals, Curacao, Leeward Antilles islands. Quaternary Research 78: 157-169. Click here for a pdf.
- Huijbers CM, Nagelkerken I, Lossbroek PAC, Schulten IE, Siegenthaler A, Holderied MW, Simpson SD (2012) A test of the senses: Fish select novel habitats by responding
to multiple cues Ecology 93:46–55. Click here for Abstract - Kelly LW, Barott KL, Dinsdale L, Friedlander AM, Nosrat B, Obura D, Sala E, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Vermeij MJA, Williams GJ, Willner D, Rohwer F (2011) Iron induced phase-shifts on coral reefs. ISME Journal. doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.114. Click here for Abstract
- Nagelkerken I, Grol MGG, Mumby PJ (2012) Effects of Marine Reserves versus Nursery Habitat Availability on Structure of Reef Fish Communities. PLoS
ONE 7(6): e36906. Click here for pdf. - Witte RH , Van Buurt G, Debrot AO, Bermudez-Villapola LA, Simal F (2012)First record of Fraser’s dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei for the Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 5: 46-50.
- Petit S, Waudby HP, Walker AT, Zanker R, Rau G (2012) A non-mutilating method for marking small wild mammals and reptiles.Australian Journal of Zoology 60(1) 64-71. Click here for Abstract.
- Stampar SN, Maronna MM, Vermeij MJA, da Silveira FL, Morandini AC (2012) Temporal and spatial diversification of banded tube-dwelling anemones (genus: Isarachnanthus) in the Atlantic ocean. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41091. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041091. Click here for a pdf
- Weigt LA, Baldwin CC, Driskell A, Smith DG, Ormos A, et al. (2012) Using DNA Barcoding to Assess Caribbean Reef Fish Biodiversity: Expanding Taxonomic and Geographic Coverage. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41059. Click here for a pdf.
- Wolf AT, Wild C, Nugues MM (2012) Contact with macroalgae causes variable coral mortality in Montastraea faveolata. Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012. Click here for pdf
Scientific reports
- Debrot,A.O., van Buurt, G., and M.J.A. Vermeij (2011) Preliminary overview of exotic and invasive marine species in the Dutch Caribbean. IMARES Report number C188/11. 29pp. Click here for pdf.
- Vermeij MJA (2012) The current state of Curacao’s reefs. Carmabi report 38pp. Click here for pdf.
- van Rooijen AK, Roothans BP (2012) Inventarisatie van de invasieve lionfish (Pterois spec.) en enkele gevolgen voor de riffen van Curaҫao.Report Hogeschool Zeeland/ Carmabi.
- Kutter P (2012) Changes in primary production rates (13C) of benthic organisms under different nutrient regimes on a coral reef. Report University of Amsterdam.
Scientific publications
- Dornburg A, Warren DL, Iglesias T, Brandley MC (2011) Natural History Observations of the Ichthyological and Herpetological Fauna on the Island of Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles). Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 52(1):181-186.
- Fricke A, Titlyanova TV, Nugues MM, Bischof K (2011) Depth-related variation in epiphytic communities growing on the brown alga Lobophora variegata in a Caribbean coral reef. Coral Reefs. DOI 10.1007/s00338-011-0772-0
- Fricke A, Teichberg M, Beilfuss S, Bischof K (2011) Succession patterns in algal turf vegetation on a Caribbean coral reef. Botanica Marina 54: 111-126.
- Grol MGG, Nagelkerken I, Rypel AL, Layman CA (2011) Simple ecological trade-offs give rise to emergent cross-ecosystem distributions of a coral reef fish. Oecologia 165:79–88.
- Grol, M.G.G., Nagelkerken, I., Bosch, N. Meesters, E.H. (2011) Preference of early juveniles of a coral reef fish for distinct lagoonal microhabitats is not related to common measures of structural complexity. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.: 432: 221–233.
- Hultgren KM, MacDonald K, Emmett D (2011) Sponge-dwelling snapping shrimps (Alpheidae: Synalpheus) of Barbados, West Indies, with a description of a new eusocial species. Zootaxa 2834:1-16.
- Muller, E., Vermeij, M.J.A. (2011) Day time spawning of a Caribbean coral. Coral Reefs. doi: 10.1007/s00338-011-0814-7
- Marhaver KLM (2011) Bleaching corals of two species appear to feed from neighboring algal turfs. Coral Reefs DOI: 10.1007/s00338-011-0782-y
- Vermeij, M.J.A., Frade, P.R., Bak, R.P.M. (in press) Zooxanthellae presence acts as a settlement cue for aposymbiotic planulae of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. Caribbean Journal of Science.
- Kelly LW, Barott KL, Dinsdale L, Friedlander AM, Nosrat B, Obura D, Sala E, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Vermeij MJA, Williams GJ, Willner D, Rohwer F (in press) Iron induced phase-shifts on coral reefs. ISME Journal.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., Bakker, J., van der Hal, N., Bak, R.P.M. (2011) Juvenile coral abundance has decreased by more than 50% in only three decades on a small Caribbean island. Diversity 3(3), 296-307. Open Access, click here for pdf
- Fricke A, Titlyanova TV, Nugues MM, Bischof K (2011) Depth-related variation in epiphytic communities growing on the brown alga Lobophora variegata in a Caribbean coral reef. Coral Reefs. DOI 10.1007/s00338-011-0772-0
- Kimireia, I.A., Nagelkerken, I., Griffioen, B., Wagner, C., and Y.D. Mgaya (2011) Ontogenetic habitat use by mangrove/seagrass-associated coral reef fishes shows flexibility in time and space. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92: 47-58.
- Petit, S. (in press). Effects of mixed-species pollen load on fruits, seeds, and seedlings of two sympatric columnar cactus species. Ecological Research.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., M.L. Dailer and C.M. Smith (2011) Crustose coralline algae can suppress macroalgal growth and recruitment on Hawaiian coral reefs. Marine Eology Progress Series 422: 1-7. (Featured Article). Open acces, to see the entire article: click here.
- Polato NR, Vera JC, Baums IB (2011) Gene discovery in the threatened Elkhorn Coral: 454 Sequencing of the Acropora palmata transcriptome. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28634. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028634
- Rassweiler A, Rassweiler T (2011) Does rapid scavenging hide non-predation mortality in coral-reef communities? Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 510-515.
- Reygel PC. Willems WR, Artois TJ (2011) Koinocystididae and Gnathorhynchidae (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela: Kalyptorhynchia) from the Galapagos, with the description of three new species. Zootaxa 3096: 27-40.
- van Duyl FC, Moodley L, Nieuwland G, van Ijzerloo L, van Soest RWM, Houtekamer M, Meesters EH, Middelburg JJ (2011) Coral cavity sponges depend on reef-derived food resources:stable isotope and fatty acid constraints. Mar. Biol. 158:1653–1666.
Scientific reports
- Petit, S. (in press). Bataille pour sauver les cactus de Curaçao. Terra Seca.
- Debrot,A.O., van Buurt, G., and M.J.A. Vermeij (2011) Preliminary overview of exotic and invasive marine species in the Dutch Caribbean. IMARES Report number C188/11. 29pp.
- Grimsditch, G. Arnold, S., de Bey, H., Brown, J. Engel, S., de Leon, R., Vermeij, M. (2011) Coral Reef Resilience Assessment of the Bonaire National Marine Park, Netherlands Antilles. IUCN. For a PDF of this document, click here. This is a large (11Mb) document.
Scientific publications
- Bongaerts P, Ridgway T, Sampayo EM, Hoegh-Guldberg (2010) Assessing the ‘deep reef refugia’ hypothesis: focus on Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs, DOI 10.1007/s00338-009-0581-x. To download this paper, click here.
- Filatov MV, Kaandorp JA, Postma M, van Liere R, Kruszyński KJ , Vermeij MJA, Streekstra GJ, Bak RPM (2010) A comparison between coral colonies of the genus Madracis and simulated forms. Proc Roy Soc B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0957. To download this paper, click here.
- Frade PR, Reyes-Nivia MC, Faria J, et al (2010) Semi-permeable species boundaries in the coral genus Madracis: Introgression in a brooding coral system. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 1072-1090. To read the abstract, click here.
- Gyri C, Felis T, Koelling M, Scheffers SR (in press). Geochemistry and skeletal structure of Diploria strigosa, implications for coral-based climate reconstruction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
- Giry C, Felis T, Scheffers SR, Scholtz D (2010). Assessing the potential of Southern Caribbean corals for paleotemperature reconstruction. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environmental Science 9 012021. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/9/1/012021
- Giry C, Felis T, Scheffers SR, Scholtz D. (in press) Assessing the potential of Southern Caribbean corals for paleotemperature reconstruction. Proceedings of the PAGES 1st YSM, Retrospective views on our planet’s future, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
- Giry C, Felis T, Scheffers SR, Fensterer C (2010). Monthly Holocene temperature variability from Caribbean corals. PAGES news 18: 49
- Kruitwagen G, Nagelkerken I, Lugendo BR, Mgaya YD, Wendelaar Bonga SE (2010) Importance of different carbon sources for macroinvertebrates and fishes of an interlinked mangrove–mudflat ecosystem (Tanzania). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88: 464-472
- Nagelkerken I, De Schryver AM, Verweij MC, Dahdouh-Guebas F, van der Velde G, Koedam N (2010) Differences in root architecture influence attraction of fishes to mangroves: a field experiment mimicking roots of different length, orientation, and complexity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 396: 27-34.
- Pignatelli C, Scheffers A, Scheffers SR and Mastronuzzi G (2010). Evaluation of tsunami flooding from geomorphological evidence in Bonaire (Netherland Antilles). Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie
- Scheffers SR, van Soest RWM, Nieuwland G, Bak RPM (in press). Coral reef framework cavities: Is functional similarity reflected in composition of the cryptic macrofaunal community? Atoll Research Bulletin.
- Sommer B, Harrison PL, Scheffers SR (2010). Aggressive colonial ascidian impacting upon coral reefs at Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Coral Reefs, 29 (1): 245.
- Toller, W., Debrot, A.O., Vermeij, M.J.A. and P.C. Hoetjes. (2010) Reef fishes of Saba Bank, Netherlands Antilles: Assemblage structure across a gradient of habitat types. PLoS ONE 5(5): e9207 download paper
- Vermeij, M.J.A., I. van Moorselaar, S. Engelhard, C. Hörnlein, S. M. Vonk and P. M. Visser (in press) The effects of nutrient enrichment and herbivore abundance on the ability of turf algae to overgrow coral in the Caribbean. PLoS ONE 5(12): e14312. download paper.
- Vermeij, M. J.A. (2010) First observation of a nocturnal nudibranch feeding on Caribbean corals. Coral Reefs 29: 1047. without abstract.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., K.L. Marhaver, C.M. Huijbers, I. Nagelkerken and S.D. Simpson (2010) Coral larvae move towards reef sounds. PLoS ONE 5(5): e10660 download paper
- Vermeij, M.J.A., Barott, K.L., Johnson, A.E. and K.L. Marhaver (2010) Release of eggs from tentacles in a Caribbean coral. Coral Reefs 29: 411. without abstract.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., A.O. Debrot, N. van der Hal, J. Bakker and R.P.M. Bak (2010) Increased recruitment rates indicate recovering populations of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum on Curaçao. Bulletin of Marine Science 86: 719-725. To read the abstract, click here.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., M.L. Dailer, S.M. Walsh, M.K. Donovan and C.M. Smith (2010) The effects of trophic interactions and spatial competition on algal community composition on Hawaiian coral reefs. Marine Ecology 31: 291-299. download paper.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., I. van Moorselaar, S. Engelhard, C. Hörnlein, S. M. Vonk and P. M. Visser (2010) The effects of nutrient enrichment and herbivore abundance on the ability of turf algae to overgrow coral in the Caribbean. PLoS ONE 5(12): e14312. download paper
Scientific publications
- Bak RPM, Nieuwland G, Meesters EH. 2009. Coral growth rates revisited after 31 years: what is causing lower extension rates in Acropora palmata? Bulletin of Marine Science 84: 287-294. Abstract .
- Brown A, Collier N, Debrot A, Del Nevo A, Wells J. 2009. Important bird areas. Americas: Dutch Caribbean. In: Devenish, C. (ed.). Important Bird Areas in the Americas. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.
- Debrot AO, Boogerd C, van den Broeck D. 2009. Chapter 24. The Netherlands Antilles III: Curaçao and Bonaire. Pp. 207-215. In: Bradley PE & Norton RL (eds.) Breeding seabirds of the Caribbean. Univ. Press, Florida.
- De Goeij JM, De Kluijver A, Van Duyl FC, Vacelet J, Wijffels RH, De Goeij AFPM, Cleutjens JPM, Schutte B. 2009. Cell kinetics of the marine sponge Halisarca caerulea reveal rapid cell turnover and shedding. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 3892-3900. Abstract.
- Dorenbosch M, Grol MGG, de Groene A, et al. 2009. Piscivore assemblages and predation pressure affect relative safety of some back-reef habitats for juvenile fish in a Caribbean bay. Marine Ecology Progress 379: 181-196. Open access.
- Engel M, Bolten A, Brhückner H, Daut G, Kelletat D, Schäbitz F, Scheffers A, Scheffers SR, Vött,A, Wille M, Willershäuser T. 2009. Reading the chapter of extreme wave events in nearshore geo-bio-archives of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) – initial results from Lagun and Boka Bartol. Marburger Geographische Schriften 145: 157-178. Abstract.
- Frade PR. 2009. Corals through the light: Phylogenetics, functional diversity and adaptive strategies of coral-symbiont associations over a large depth range. PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam.
- Nagelkerken I (Ed.). 2009. Ecological connectivity among tropical coastal ecosystems. Springer Science and Business Media, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 615pp. more…
- Nagelkerken I (2009) Evaluation of nursery function of mangroves and seagrass beds for tropical decapods and reef fishes: patterns and underlying mechanisms. In: Nagelkerken I (ed.) Ecological connectivity among tropical coastal ecosystems. Springer Science and Business Media, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 357-399
- Nagelkerken I (2009) Introduction. In: Nagelkerken I (ed.) Ecological connectivity among tropical coastal ecosystems. Springer Science and Business Media, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 1-6
- Nijman V, Booij J, Flikweert M, Allabadian M, de Freitas JA, Vonk R, Prins TG. 2009. Habitat use of raptors in response to anthropogenic land use on Bonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 45: 25-29. Abstract
- Paddack MJ, Reynolds JD, Aguilar C, et al. 2009. Recent region-wide declines in Caribbean reef fish abundance. Current Biology 19: 590-595. Abstract.
- Petit S, Da Costa Gomez M. 2009. Mysterious malady of an ecologically important cactus species. Cactus and Succulent Journal 81: 64-65.
- Petit S. 2009. Combatting cactus clearance on Curaçao. Cactus and Succulent Journal 81: 16-19.
- Piggot AM, Fouke BW, Sivaguru M, Sanford R, Gaskins HR. 2009. Change in zooxanthellae and mucocyte tissue density as an adaptive response to environmental stress by the coral Montastraea annularis, Marine Biology 156:2379-2389. Abstract
- Prins TG, Reuter JH, Debrot AO, Wattel J, Nijman V. 2009. Checklist of the birds of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, South Caribbean. Ardea 97: 137-262. Abstract.
- Ritson-Williams R, Arnold S, Fogarty N, Steneck R, Vermeij MJA, Paul V. 2009. New perspectives on ecological mechanisms affecting coral recruitment on reefs. Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences 38:437-457. Open access, but large document (70Mb).
- Sommer B, Harrison PL, Scheffers SR. 2009. Aggressive colonial ascidian impacting upon coral reefs at Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Coral Reefs 29: 245
- Vermeij MJA, Dailer ML, Walsh SM, Donovan MK, Smith CM. 2009. The effects of trophic interactions and spatial competition on algal community composition on Hawaiian coral reefs. Marine Ecology. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0485.2009.00343.x. Abstract.
- Vermeij MJA. 2009. Floating corallites: a new ecophenotype in scleractinian corals. Coral Reefs 28: 987-987. Abstract.
- Vermeij MJA, Smith TB, Dailer ML, Smith CM. 2009. Release from native herbivores facilitates the persistence of invasive marine algae: a biogeographical comparison of the relative contribution of nutrients and herbivory to invasion success. Biological Invasions 11: 1463-1474. Abstract .
- Vermeij MJA, Dailer ML, Smith CM. 2009. Nutrient enrichment promotes survival and dispersal of drifting fragments in an invasive tropical macroalga. Coral Reefs 28: 429-435. Abstract.
- Vermeij MJA, Smith JE, Smith CM, Thurber RV, Sandin SA. 2009. Survival and settlement success of coral planulae: independent and synergistic effects of macroalgae and microbes. Oecologia 159: 325-336. Abstract.
Scientific reports
- Debrot AO. 2009. Cultural ties to the land in an arid plantation setting in Curacao. Carmabi report, 57 pp.
- Engelhard S. 2009. Herbivorous fish decrease abundance of turf algae that compete for space with Caribbean coral Montastraea annularis. MSc Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 13pp. Abstract
- Fraaije R. 2009. Do mangroves and seagrass beds enhance corqal reef resilience through increased grazing on adjacent reefs? MSc Thesis, Radboud University of Nijmegen, 31pp.
- Hörnlein C. 2009. The effect of herbivorous fish abundance on overgrowth of the Caribbean coral Montastraea annularis by turf algae. MSc Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 11pp. Abstract
- Janssen Steenberg H. 2009. Taking on the eco-tourism challenge: possible improvements to the National Park Shete Boka offerings. BSc Thesis, SEF-UNA, 106pp.
- De Lannoy CCT. 2009. Evaluation of spatial management of nature areas of Curaçao; A quick assessment of the current state of nature areas and recommendations for nature policy. MSc Thesis, Utrecht University, 104pp.
- Komanns J, van der Vossen M, Klein Haarhuis M, van der Meij S. 2009. Survey onderzoek Parke Nashonal Shete Boka: Onderzoek naar de bereidwilligheid van de bezoekers van het Shete Boka Nationaal Park om een hoger ‘parkeerbedrag’ te betalen. 55 pp.
- Lossbroek PAC. 2009. Habitat selection of post-settlement stage French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum): auditory, chemical and visual cues.MSc Thesis, Radboud University of Nijmegen, 24pp
- Lundkvist R. 2009. Mollies of the ABC Islands. Aquarium Fish International: 48-49.
- Margarita I. 2009.Duurzaam toerisme, een brug van ontwikkeling: Een haalbaarheidsonderzoek naar duurzame exploitatie van het natuurgebied Daaibooi. BSc Thesis, SEF-UNA, 85pp.
- Van Moorselaar I. 2009. Effects of nutrient enrichment on turf algal growth and the consequences for the dominant Caribbean reef building species Montastraea annularis. MSc Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 19pp. Abstract
- Vonk SM. 2009. In situ enrichment experiment: the effects on turfalgal growth and the consequences for the scleractinian coral Montastraea annularis. MSc Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 18pp. Abstract
- Siegenthaler A. 2009. Habitat-specific sound and the visual presence of conspecifics as possible cues for habitat selection by post-larval French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) on Curacao. MSc Thesis, Radboud University of Nijmegen, 34pp
- Frade, P.R., De Jongh, F., Vermeulen F., et al. 2008. Variation in symbiont distribution between closely related coral species over large depth ranges. Molecular Ecology 17, 2: 691-703.
- Frias-Lopez, J. Klaus J. S. and B. W. Fouke. in press. Cytotoxic activity of Blackband disease (BBD) extracts against the symbiotic dinoflagellates Symbiodinium sp.
- Goeij J.M. de, van den Berg, H., van Oostveen, M.M., et al. 2008. Major bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal by encrusting coral reef cavity sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series 357: 139-151
- Grol MGG, Dorenbosch M, Kokkelmans EMG, Nagelkerken I (2008) Mangroves and seagrass beds do not enhance growth of early juveniles of a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 366: 137-146
- Huijbers CM, Mollee EM, Nagelkerken I (2008) Post-larval French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) distinguish between seagrass, mangrove and coral reef water: Implications for recognition of potential nursery habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 357: 134-139
- Hulsman, H., Vonk, R., Aliabadian, M., et al. 2008. Effect of introduced species and habitat alteration on the occurrence and distribution of euryhaline fishes in fresh- and brackish-water habitats on Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao (South Caribbean). Contributions to Zoology, 77, 1: 45-51.
- Nagelkerken I, Blaber SJM, Bouillon S, Green P, Haywood M, Kirton LG, Meynecke J-O, Pawlik J, Penrose HM, Sasekumar A, Somerfield PJ (2008) The habitat function of mangroves for terrestrial and marine fauna: a review. Aquatic Botany 89: 155-185
- Nagelkerken I, Faunce CH (2008) What makes mangroves attractive to fish? Use of artificial units to test the influence of water depth, cross-shelf location, and presence of root structure. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79: 559-565
- Nagelkerken I, Bothwell J, Nemeth RS, Pitt JM, van der Velde G (2008) Interlinkage between Caribbean coral reefs and seagrass beds through feeding migrations by grunts (Haemulidae) depends on habitat accessibility. Marine Ecology Progress Series 368: 155-164
- Nugues MM, Bak RPM (2008) Long-term dynamics of the brown macroalga Lobophora variegata on deep reefs in Curaçao. Coral Reefs 27: 389–393
- Sandin, S. A., E. M. Sampayo and M.J.A. Vermeij (2008). Coral reef fish and benthic community structure of Bonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 44: 137-144.
- Sandin, S.A., Vermeij, M.J.A. and A.H. Hurlbert (2008). Biogeography of Caribbean reef fish. Journal of Biogeography 17: 770–777.
- Scheffers, A., Scheffers, S.R. and D. Kelletat (in press). Documentation of the impact of Hurricane Ivan on the coastline of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). Journal of Coastal Research.
- Verweij MC, Nagelkerken I, Hans I, Ruseler SM, Mason PRD (2008) Seagrass nurseries contribute to coral reef fish populations. Limnology and Oceanography 53: 1540-1547
- Anker, A. 2007. New species and records of Alpheid shrimps, genera Salmoneus Holthuis and Parabetaeus Coutiere,from the tropical western Atlantic (Decapoda, Caridea). Zootaxa, 1653: 21-39.
- Booth, A., M. Savarese, R.W. Portell, D. S. Jones and I. R. Quitmyer. 2007. Paleoenvironmental and Sclerochronologic reconstruction of Large Oyster-Bearing Pliocene reefsfrom Curaçao. First International Sclerochronology Conference, University of Florida, July 17-21, 2007: 8.
- Dean, H.K., I. Hernandez-Avila and E.B. Cutler. 2007. Sipunculans of the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Curaçao. Zootaxa, 1431: 45-54.
- Dorenbosch, M., M.G.G. Grol, I. Nagelkerken, B.R. Lugendo and G.van der Velde. 2007. Different fish composition in seagrass beds adjacent to extensive mangrove areas as opposed to coral reefs. Bulletin of MarineScience, 80, 3: 919.
- Dorenbosch, M., W.C.E.P. Verberk, I. Nagelkerken and G. van der Velde. 2007. Influence of habitat configuration on connectivity between fish assemblages of Caribbean seagrass beds, mangroves and coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 334: 103-116.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 58 : Marine gastropods from the ABC-islands and other localities 14: The family Terebridae with the description of a new species from Aruba Gastopoda: Terebridae). Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 3: 49-55.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 59 : Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities 15: Pterynotus xenos Harasewych, 1982 (Gastropoda: Muricidae), range extension to Curaçao and a note on its variability. Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 3: 56.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 54 : Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities: A note on “Cyclostremiscus” crassilabris Aguayo & Borro, 1946 and the status of Canimarina Aguayo & Borrro, 1946 (Gastopoda: Vitrinellidae). Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 4: 60.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 60: Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities: A note on the presumed holotype of Buccinum polygonatum Lamarck, 1822 (Gastropoda: Nassariidae). Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 4: 61-62.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 61: Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities: The genus Engina Gray, 1839 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae). Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 4: 73-77.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 62: Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities 19: The genera Cerithiella and Retilaskeya (Gastropoda: Cerithiopsidae) with the description of a new species of Retilaskeya Marshall, 1978. Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 4: 79-83.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies of West Indian marine molluscs 63: Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities 20: Solariorbis semipunctatus Moore, 1965 (Gastropoda: Vitrinellidae), first records for Florida, U.S.A. and Curaçao. Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 4: 84.
- Faber, M.J. 2007. Studies of West Indian marine molluscs 64: Marine gastropodsfrom the ABC-islands and other localities 21: Cylindrobullidae and Volvatellidae (Gastropoda: Sacoglossa). Miscellanea Malacologica, 2, 4: 85-86.
- Flikweert, M., T.G. Prins, J.A. de Freitas and V. Nijman. 2007. Spatial variation in the diet of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in the Caribbean. – Ardea, 95, 1: 75-82.
- Goeij, J.M. de and F. C. van Duyl. 2007. Coral cavities are sinks of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Limnology and Oceanography, 57, 6: 2608-2617.
- Gorney, D., A. Escalona, P. Mann, M. B. Magnani, and Bolivar Study Group. 2007. Chronology of Cenozoic tectonic events in western Venezuela and the Leeward Antilles based on integration of offshore seismic reflection data and on-land geology. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 91, 5: 653-684. .
- I. do Sul, J. A. and M. F. Costa. 2007. Marine debris review for Latin America and the Wider Caribbean Region: from the 1970s until now, and where do we go from here? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, 8: 1087-1104.
- Klaus, J.S., I. Janse, J.M. Heikoop, R.A. Sanford and B.W. Fouke. 2007. Coral microbial communities, zooxanthellae and mucus along gradients of seawater depth and coastal pollution. Environmental Microbiology, 9, 5 : 1291-1305.
- Klaus, J.S., A.F. Budd, J.M. Heikoop, et al. 2007. Environmental controls on corallite morphology in the reef coral Montastraea annularis. Bulletin of Marine Science, 80, 1: 233-260.
- Kruszynski, K.J., J.A. Kaandorp and R. van Liere. 2007. A computational method for quantifying morphological variation in scleractinian corals. Coral Reefs, 26: 831-840.
- Nagelkerken, I. 2007. Are non-estuarine mangroves connected to coral reefs through fish migration? Bulletin of Marine Science, 80, 3: 595-607.
- Nagelkerken, I. and C.H. Faunce. 2007. Colonization of artificial mangroves by reef fishes in a marine seascape. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 75: 417-422.
- Nagelkerken I (2007) Relationship between anthropogenic impacts and bleaching-associated tissue mortality of corals in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles). Revista de Biologia Tropical 54 (Suppl. 3): 31-44
- Nijman, V., M. Aliabadian, A.O. Debrot, J.A. de Freitas, L.G.L. Gomes, T.G. Prins and R. Vonk. 2007. Conservation status of Caribbean coot Fulica caribaea in the Netherlands Antilles and other parts of the Caribbean. Endangered Species Research, 4: 241-246.
- Nugues, M.M. and R.P.M. Bak. 2007. Dark spot syndrome : recent or old? Coral Reefs, 26, 2: 359.
- Nugues MM, Nagelkerken I (2007) Status of aspergillosis and sea fan populations in Curaçao ten years after the 1995 Caribbean epizootic. Revista de Biologia Tropical 54 (Suppl. 3): 153-160
- Olson, J.B., D.K. Harmody, A.K. Bej and P.J. McCarthy. 2007. Tsukamurella spongiae sp nov., a novel actinomycete isolatedfrom a deepwater marine sponge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 57, 7: 1478-1481.
- Pandolfi, John M. and Jeremy B.C. Jackson. 2007. Broad-scale patterns in Pleistocene coral reef communities from the Caribbean : implications for ecology and management. Ecological Studies, 192: 201-236.
- Pandolfi, J.M. 2007. A new, extinct Pleistocene reef coral from the Montastrea “annularis” species complex. Journal of Paleontology, 81, 3: 472-482.
- Pollux, B.J.A. and W.C.E.P. Verberk, M. Dorenbosch, E. Cocheret de la Moriniere, I. Nagelkerken. 2007. Habitat selection during settlement of three Caribbean coral reef fishes : indications for directed settlement to seagrass beds and mangroves. Limnology and Oeanography, 52, 2: 903-907.
- Vermeij, M.J.A., P.R. Frade, R.I.R. Jacinto, A.O. Debrot and R.P.M. Bak. 2007. Effects of reproductive mode on habitat-related differences in the population structure of eight Caribbean coral species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 351: 91-102.
- Vermeij, M. J.A., S. A. Sandin and J. F. Samhouri. 2007. Local habitat distribution determines the relative frequency and interbreeding potential for two Caribbean coral morphospecies. Evolutionary Ecology, 21, 1: 27-47.
- Verweij, M. C., I.Nagelkerken, S. L.J. Wartenbergh, I.R. Pen and G. Van der Velde. 2007. Mangroves and seagrass beds as diurnal feeding habitats for juvenile Haemulon flavolineatum. Bulletin of Marine Science, 80, 3: 934.
- Verweij, M. C. and I. Nagelkerken. 2007. Short and long-term movement and site fidelity of juvenile Haemulidae in back-reef habitats of a Caribbean embayment. Hydrobiologia, 592: 257-270.
- Whiteman, E.A., I.M. Cote and J.D. Reynolds. 2007. Ecological differences between hamlet (Hypoplectrus : Serranidae) colour morphs: between-morph variation in diet. Journal of Fish Biology, 71, 1: 235-244.
- Zabin, C.J., J. Zardus, F.B. Pitombo, V. Fread and M.G. Hadfield. 2007. A tale of three seas: consistency of natural history traits in a Caribbean-Atlantic barnacle introduced to Hawaii. Biological Invasions, 9, 5 :p. 523-544.
- Adams AJ, Dahlgren CP, Kellison GT, Kendall MS, Layman CA, Ley JA, Nagelkerken I, Serafy JE (2006) Nursery function of tropical back-reef systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 318: 287-301
- Dahlgren CP, Kellison GT, Adams AJ, Gillanders BM, Kendall MS, Layman CA, Ley JA, Nagelkerken I, Serafy JE (2006) Marine nurseries and effective juvenile habitats: concepts and applications. Marine Ecology Progress Series 312: 291-295
- Debrot, A.O., van Buurt G., Caballero A. and A.A. Antczak. 2006. A historical review of records of two large in-shore vertebrates in the Dutch Antilles: the West Indian manatee and the American crocodile. Caribbean Journal of Science 42, 2: 272-280.
- Debrot, A. O. and I. Nagelkerken. 2006. Recovery of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) linked to lagoonal and wave-sheltered shallow rocky habitats. Bulletin of Marine Science 79, 2: 415–424.
- Dorenbosch M, Grol MGG, Nagelkerken I, van der Velde G (2006) Seagrass beds and mangroves as potential nurseries for the threatened Indo-Pacific humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus and Caribbean rainbow parrotfish, Scarus guacamaia. Biological Conservation 129: 277-282
- Duyl FC van, Scheffers SR, Thomas FIM, et al. 2006. The effect of water exchange on bacterioplankton depletion and inorganic nutrient dynamics in coral reef cavities. Coral Reefs 25, 1: 23-36.
- Kaandorp, J.A., Bak, R.P.M. and M.J.A. Vermeij. 2006. Modeling of nutrient gradients in threedimensional images – and simulated morphologies of a branching coral. Proc. 10th Int. Coral Reef Symp, Okinawa, Japan
- Layman CA, Dahlgren CP, Kellison GT, Adams AJ, Gillanders BM, Kendall MS, Ley JA, Nagelkerken I, Serafy JE (2006) Marine nurseries and effective juvenile habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 318: 307-308
- Nagelkerken I, van der Velde G, Verberk WCEP, et al. 2006. Segregation along multiple resource axes in a tropical seagrass fish community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 308: 79-89.
- Nugues MM, Bak RPM (2006) Differential competitive abilities between Caribbean coral species and a brown alga: a year of experiments and a long term perspective. Marine Ecology Progress Series 315: 75-86
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