Predictions for the 2022 coral spawning in the Southern Caribbean
Based on last year’s surveys, a prediction is now available of expected times and dates that some of the more abundant Caribbean coral species will release the next generation of corals during the annual coral spawning. The dates are only applicable to the Southern Caribbean. To see the 2022-spawning prediction for the Southern Caribbean, click this link to download a pdf version of the 2022 coral spawning schedule shown below.
• Spawning predictions are based on previous observations, but spawning is never guaranteed (especially in a changing climate). When in doubt, go for a dive!
• Spawning times vary based on your local sunset times. To look up your local sunset times, visit
• Your discoveries help coral research and conservation! Please send your spawning observations (species, date, time, location, and pictures if possible) to or share your observations on the Coral Spawning Research Facebook page. To contribute to the Coral Restoration Consortium spawning database, contact
• Special thanks to everyone who contributed their spawning observations over the past three decades – we wish you a safe and productive spawning season!
Additional tips for “spotting coral spawning”…
• Make multiple dives on multiple nights
• Dive in a place with high coral cover
• Enter the water before predicted times
• Dive shallower than 50 ft to maximize bottom time
• Use a moderately bright dive light
• Scan the water column for clouds of spawn